Chapter 4-1: If It Rains, It Pours Lava

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Beep-0: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the very mouth of the lion itself. Bowser Jr and the Koopalings have been busy since Bowser left.

Joker: This volcano's been transformed into a military production facility.

Beep-0: Be on your guard, guys...

A bronze chest contained a Figure of a Lava Hopper.

Another bronze chest contained 10 Power Orbs.

Joker: Not sure if we need them.

Mario: Poor Rabbid.

Beep-0: He's nuts.

Sephiroth: He's just trying to relax.

A Soundtrack named "Combat in the Cemetery" was in the third bronze chest.

A Tarot Card called Remote Hog was in the 4th bronze chest.

Defeat all

Heroes turn

Peach gave everyone her Protection, team jumped to full cover, and shot the Ziggy's cover.

Sonic dashed into the Hoppers, went to full cover, and used his homing attack on a Hopper.

Mario stomped on the Hopper, shot the Hopper, and activated his Hero Sight

Yoshi Rabbid scared away the Hoppers and one was bounce shot by Mario.

Enemies turn

The Ziggy dashed into Peach and was shot by Mario.

The Hopper shot Mario, jumped to half cover, and put up a shell.

Another Ziggy shot Yoshi Rabbid's cover, and activated its villain sight.

Another Ziggy went to half cover, bounce shot Yoshi Rabbid, and activated its villain sight.

Another Ziggy went to half cover.

Heroes turn

Yoshi Rabbid spat out a Grenaduck at the Ziggy and Hopper, activated his Outer Shell, and went to full cover.

King K Rool used his Crownerang on the Ziggy and Hopper.

Mario went to full cover and shot the metal block.

Peach dashed into the Ziggy and activated her Royal Gaze.

Enemies turn

The Ziggy bounce shot Peach and was frozen shot by Peach.

The other Ziggy went to full cover and activated its villain sight.

Heroes turn

Pichu team jumped to full cover and used his Final Smash: Volt Tackle on the Ziggy.

End of Battle

Sonic: Nice work on the Final Smash, Pichu!

Pichu: Yeah! Ouch! I'm a bit hurt after using it. 🤕

Mario: Here's a Max Potion! It heals a Pokémon at its Max HP.

Pichu's HP was filled fully.

A bronze chest contained a Tarot Card called Blubbernaught.

Another bronze chest contained 5 Power Orbs.

Pichu: I'm hyper twained!

ROB: 7 enemies detected!

Defeat 7 enemies

Sonic: Do I smell chicken?

Beep-0: Watch out! It's raining volcanic pyroclasts all over the battlefield! A lava shower is nothing to be taken lightly (or to be taken at all, for that matter).

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