A lesson to learn

Start from the beginning

"(Y/N).... is with Central...?" He muttered, his brain barely working after hearing that you have joined central. The one thing that's keeping him from making his own food and creation.

The place that clips the wings of such talented students...

And you're part of it.

"So, I was correct." Masafumi sighed as Cécil comforted him. "Terunori Kuga..."

"..." Terunori kept his mouth shut as he turned to Masafumi who seemed down and regretful. Cécil mirroring his expression.

"We tried talking to our daughter, (M/N), but no matter what we say... She just won't let go of (Y/N)..." Masafumi explained, remembering the times he's tried to convince (M/N) to stop her ways of how she treats you. But all of them failed. "Please, I know you're the only one..."

"The only one?" Terunori asked, placing his tablet on the table, ignoring as the announcer introduced Yvon and the others. "To what?"

"Convince (Y/N)." Cécil finished. "Convince her to stop pleasing a mother that doesn't even treat her as a daughter. She won't listen to us. But we're sure she'll listen to you."

"..." There was silence in the room as Terunori kept his eyes on the couple, their words bouncing on his mind.

Can he do it? Would he be enough to change your mind?

Obviously not. He's already tried once.

But... he... wants to. He wants the you that smiles, the one calls his name with so much love one would drown in that tenderness and endearment. The one that broke out of her ice to open up to him.

The one who trusted him enough to cry in front of him.


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"Y-you?!" The student said in horror as he saw your figure illuminated by the lights. "You work with Eizan don't you?! You might as well walk away without trying and still win if you're competing!!"

"How annoying..." You sighed, leaning on your station, crossing your arms in annoyance at this student's noisy voice. "Shut your mouth."

"I'm not wrong, am I?! You're a snake, aren't you?" He asked with a nervous laugh at the thought of competing with you, basically a female version of Eizan, in his eyes anyway. "You're like that ninth seat, using dirty and cheap tricks to win and get what you-"

"How very foolish of you to compare my niece to such a cra- ahem, person such as this Eizan fellow." Yvon slowly made his way to the judge's table, along with Irene and Gerald behind him as the announcer introduced the judges. "Hello, a pleasure to meet you. I'm (L/N) Yvon, I'm sure you've heard of me, yes?"

"A-A first seat?!"

"Well, positions aside, shall we start this competition, my niece?" Yvon said, ignoring the dumbfounded student.

"Honestly, you're using your position too much." You sighed, walking up to your station where you prepared your ingredients already and tied your hair. "Don't forget our agreement, uncle."

"Of course." Yvon beamed as he rested his head on his hands with an empty smile. "You have my word as a member of the (L/N) family and a previous first seat, (Y/N). I will judge it fairly. There will be no favoritism or prejudice. All will be equal in my eyes. You two will be going by (L/N)'s word, will you not?"

"Of course." Irene and Gerald answered with a nod, both with a calm smile.

But to the poor second year, all he's feeling right now was pressure under three judges that could ruin his whole life. And as well as an opponent who wants nothing more than to get this shit over with and win.

───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ───

Everyone had seen it coming when they heard your name announced, everyone knew that he had no chance the moment you stepped on that stage. The only people who even had a chance of winning against you were probably the third years in the elite ten.

"That was wonderful!!" (M/N) cheered as she gave you a hug after leaving the stage. "You did so great, (Y/N)! Mother is very proud of you!"

You stayed silent, letting her praise you with her empty words. They sounded cheerful, but you can feel the icy tone beneath them.

"But you know...." She sighed, letting go of you, and gave you a disappointed look. A look that looked down at you. "Mother is disappointed that you fired the judges that Eizan-kun had hired for you...."

'Mother is... disappointed...?' You asked yourself as you began to feel the dread of making her disappointed and angry at you.

"(Y/N), mother will have to give you a lecture." She said, her face turning a whole 180 and giving you a smile, taking your hand began to lead you out of the arena and into a car. "You should always remember dear, mother knows best. And mother is only doing this for your best interest in mind." [I will fucking slap this bitch.]



Do you guys have any other character that you like that are underrated and want a story of them? Cause, I have a loooooooooot of them. And I want to make one for every single one of them.


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