two • wifi password

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As I plop down on the couch across from Billie she lifts her head from her phone, mumbling a "Sup?"

"What do people do around here?"

"Honestly I don't know, I don't get out much," she shrugs, placing her phone down beside her.

"Hmm, so what do you do?" I tilt my head in question.

"Work," she answers simply.

"Thought you just wrote music when you felt like it. Isn't that all you do?"

Her jaw immediately drops at my response. Damn, clearly I'm very wrong. "No, I wish! Meetings, shoots, publicity events, interviews, surprise pop-ups, shows, more meetings, touring, merch design, behind the scenes things I can't talk about, and the occasional songwriting."

"Oh," I look down at the floor, more embarrassed than I probably should be, but holy fuck she's intimidating.

"Spencer, I was told you needed to finish two more classes to graduate?" Maggie questions, walking towards us.

"Yeah," I exhale a deep breath.

"So if you want to go to public school, you can, but I can also just homeschool you if you'd prefer that," she offers.

"Umm, can I think about it?" I mutter, staring at a piece of carpet on the floor.

"Of course!" She smiles and walks away.

I've gone to lots of different public schools, it would be nice to not have to deal with them anymore. I'm just not sure how I feel about never leaving this house. School has always been my form of freedom, especially when I was in horrible homes; it was my one way to escape the abuse.

"How old are you anyway?" Billie asks, standing up and walking towards me.

"I'm seventeen," I answer, looking up at her.

"Same," she smiles, sitting down next to me. "My mom's pretty chill, I liked homeschooling with her but obviously do whatever you want," Billie explains.

"Thanks, I'm gonna go lay down," I sigh, getting up from the couch.

"Mmk," she hums as I walk away.

Stepping into 'my' room I close the door behind me before once again examining my surroundings. Hopefully, this is the last house I'm in before I turn eighteen, I think to myself as I let out a deep sigh, laying down on the large bed that takes up half the room. Getting under the soft covers, I open up my phone, and into settings to connect to the wifi.

Shit. There's a password. Of fucking course.

I trudge back out to the living room to find an empty space however, I hear music softly playing in the room across from 'mine'.

I knock on the door gently before hearing a, "come in."Opening up the door, I'm immediately met with illuminating red lights.

"Sorry, I was just wondering what your wifi password is."

"Oh yeah, it's 'Billieishorny,'" she deadpans.

I lift a brow curiously before she lets out a laugh. "No I'm kidding, it's 'O'Connell'"

"Boring, I like the other one better," I joke with a wink, typing in the password.

"Well it was that until my parents found out I changed it and claimed it was inappropriate," she throws her hands up in annoyance.

"Hmm, they seem boring," I chuckle before closing her door and walking back to the small room filled with equipment.

Scrolling through Instagram I decided to look up Billie on Instagram and spend hours studying each individual picture. Her clothes, her many different hair colours, and her eyes. Then, I did something I shouldn't have. I went into her tagged photos.

Holy shit.

There are a ton of video edits and they are definitely not what I was expecting to see. I didn't know her fans were so fucking sexual. Not just the fans, but she's pretty sexual too; I mean when she does those dances and faces on stage she obviously knows what she's doing!
I need to stop looking at this! I already know the next time I see her I'm gonna be completely shaken up.

I look at the time and see it's almost 11 pm meaning I've been stalking Billie for hours; walking out of my room and into the kitchen I open the cupboards until I find the one with cups. "Still not asleep?" I hear Maggie question just as I was about to turn the tap on. Turning around, I see that she and Patrick are on a bed in the living room; although Patrick looks to be asleep already.

"A-are you sleeping in the living room because of me?" I stutter, suddenly feeling guilty and slightly awkward.

"Not at all, we've always slept out here so that Billie and Finneas can have separate rooms."

"Wow, that's crazy," I mumble.

"Do you need anything?" She asks kindly.

"No, just getting water. I never sleep the first night at new houses anyway," I shrug.

"Want me to make you some tea?"

"No thanks," I smile genuinely.

We say our 'goodnights' and I walk back to the small bedroom and turn off the light, scrolling through my phone. Maggie seems like the kindest, most genuine person and I really hope that doesn't change and it's not all an act for my first night here.

4:00 am

I still haven't slept, not that I expected to, but I did have a tiny bit of hope that maybe this time would be different. It's not.

I grab my bag and tiptoe to the front of the house, ever so gently opening up the front door I sit on the porch swing they have, reaching into my bag pulling out my smokes and lighting one up.

I know, okay, I know it's not healthy! I got into it at a young age when one of my 'friends' convinced me to try it. The first time was disgusting and I swore I'd never do it again, until I did, over and over again. It became the one constant in my life. I get some money from Child and Family Services every month. I use the money for my phone, smokes and food. But I have a feeling I won't be needing to buy my own food at this house.


A/N: Short chapter but the next one will be longer!

Please note, I've been spending a lot of time and work on this story and a vote would be much appreciated. ⭐️

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