forty nine • i'm sorry

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TW: mention of rape.

"No Claudia, don't go get Billie" I cried trying to hold Claudia back.

"I'm getting your girlfriend," she said sternly before leaving the green room.

I ran around grabbing all my things and shoving them in my bag as tears streamed down my face. I don't know what happened or why Jacob is back in the hospital but I know I need to go home.

"Baby" I heard Billie say from behind me.

I turned around and embraced her in a hug. "I have to go but I'll be back," I said quickly.

"Yeah and I'm coming with you," she said, releasing the hug.

"No, you aren't Billie" I whispered, placing both my hands on her shoulders.

"Yes the fuck I am"

"No Billie, you need to finish this tour, I'll be okay" I nodded, staring into her eyes.

"Spencer I don't care about tour, I'm coming with you and that's final," she said sternly, grabbing her phone and a few things around the room.

"Billie stop, I can do this. I'm not some fragile baby that can't go anywhere on her own. I know how to take care of myself"

Billie looked back at me with sadness in her eyes, "i know you can take care of yourself. I know you're strong, you've gone through more than I can imagine but I'm coming with you. Stop arguing"

"NO, you're not! Billie, I already have a flight booked"

"Spencer I'm coming along"

"I'm sick of you treating me like a child who doesn't know how to feed herself. I was fucking raped, I can handle myself"

"Maybe you wouldn't have been raped if you knew how to handle yourself." Billie hissed but I could see her face drop as soon as it slipped out of her mouth.

I stood there with my jaw dropped in shock for a moment.
"I-I'm sorry i don't- i didn't mean that" she ranted, stumbling over her words as she tried to hold onto my hand.
I pushed her back quickly and threw my bag over my shoulder as i stormed out of the room.

"No Spencer don't go" Billie cried, grabbing onto my arm.

I turned to her seriously, "let go of me"

Tears streamed down her cheeks as she softly let go of my arm and watched me walk out of the room.
I ran out to the Uber I ordered and stared out the window as the buildings passed by.

That escalated extremely fast. Truth is, I love when Billie takes care of me.
She is so gentle and comforting. She always knows what to do or say. Except for tonight. Tonight she said the wrong thing. I can't believe she even let those words escape her mouth. She knows how much trauma I have from that night and how long it's taken me to get over it.

I'm scared and I do stupid things when I'm scared. I should have let her come but I knew she'd regret not finishing the tour. Not only that, but she'd be letting her fans down and they don't deserve that.

Billie took such good care of me when Grace and Jacob were first in an accident and I am grateful for that but... I want to be able to take care of her as well, I don't want her to be the only one giving in this relationship. It's not fair and I feel awful about it.

My leg bounced up and down as the Uber was getting closer to the airport. If I step on that plane, I'm leaving Billie, but if i don't... i might never see Jacob ag

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