Penny continues to clean Jagged, who is distracted by the pictures of Adrien.

"Hey, there are more photos of this dude than of me! I think the baker's daughter's got a little crush" Jagged winks at the camera.

The camera shot zooms in on the photos of Adrien.

Adrien's jaw dropped while Kalianna giggled and continued eating her macaroons.

"How are you so calm about this?! Did you not hear what he just said?!"

"Relax babe. Jagged's just kidding around! Plus, Marinette is a super big fan of you, that's probably the reason why she has all those photos of you. I won't lie, it's a little creepy though" Kal popped a macaroon into her mouth. 

Tom & Sabine Boulangerie Patisserie

 Marinette is cleaning up.

"Aw, teenage love is so sweet! Makes me wanna write a song" Jagged said on TV.

Marinette sees the Adrien pictures on TV and gasps. "No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!" She runs to the stairs.

"Marinette?" Sabine called after her.

The bluebell-eyed girl bolts up the stairs, exclaiming 'no' continuously while Tikki emerges from her purse.

"Keep calm, Marinette; it's not a big deal"

"Of course it is! This is a major disaster! I told everyone in school to watch today's show, including Adrien! He's gonna see all those photos and figure out I'm in love with him!" Marinette stops midway up the stairway to her room. 

"But isn't that what you want?" Tikki queried.

"No! Not like this!" Marinette climbs up into her room, where she saw Alec trying on her pink, floppy hat as Jagged holds up a pink dress of hers. "What're you guys doing in here?!"

"I'm sorry, Marinette" Penny apologized. "I couldn't find the restroom"

"Hey Marinette, you want me to sign this poster of me?" Jagged points at the poster.

The camera shifts to Marinette.

"No! I just need everyone to leave!" She looked at the cameraman. "And you, stop filming!" She turned to Penny. "Penny, do something!"

The camera was directed at Penny.

"You heard the lady" Penny starts herding everyone towards the door when the live footage suddenly goes down.

Adrien's Room

The live footage gets cut off of Adrien's TV and is replaced with a car commercial.

Adrien just stared at the TV with his jaw hanging open. Kalianna stuffed a macaroon in his mouth and kissed his forehead.

"Close your mouth babe. You'll get flies~"


Kalianna had left the Agreste Mansion and went to Marinette's bakery so she could check up on her. As soon as she entered the bakery, everything was a mess. 

"Oh! What's happening? A ghost! It's a ghost! Where's Penny?! Penny!" Jagged called.

"What the-!" Kalianna ran towards Jagged. "Jagged what happened?!"

"There's a ghost!" Jagged claimed wildy.

"What?" Kalianna raised an eyebrow. All of a sudden she felt her hair get pulled. "Ow!" She spun around and saw Bob behind her. She growled and slapped him. "Demonio! Por qué harías eso?! (You fiend! Why would you do that?!)" She yelled at him angrily, the Spanish coming out of her.

Miraculous | Book 2(Old Version)Where stories live. Discover now