Chilltober 26: rip

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Mallory was sprinting through her backyard in her Halloween costume when she heard it.


Mallory stopped and looked back at her costume. She gasped when she saw what had happened.

There was a large rip along one of the seams of the costume and Mallory's eyes widened.

Her mother was going to be so mad. Zoe had specifically said to not wear the costume outside, but she hadn't listened and now her costume was ruined.

She sadly walked back inside and Zoe's eyes widened at the sight of her.

"Mal! What did I say about the costume outside?" Zoe asked.

"Mommy I'm sorry but I wanted to be Captain America! And then it ripped!" Mallory wailed, showing her mother the tear. Zoe gasped as Mallory showed her the large rip in her costume.

"Well Miss Mal, you are lucky that your mom is a sewing wiz. I can have this fixed for you very soon." Zoe declared after an examination of the tear. Mallory's face broke out in a huge grin.

"Really Mommy?!" She asked.

"Of course. As long as you promise no more costume outside until Halloween?" Zoe asked, with a hand on her hip.

"Don't worry Mama, I promise."

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