Chilltober 1: teeth

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"Mommy! Mommy guess what happened at school!" Mallory yelled, running towards her mother. 

Zoe turned to look at her daughter who had a small pumpkin box in her hand.

"What is it Mal?" She asked, looking at her 6 year old.

"I lost a tooth, and Miss Warren gave me a pumpkin box to take it home in!" Mallory said excitedly. 

"That's so exciting Mal! Now maybe the tooth fairy will come tonight!" Zoe said. 

Mallory smiled and walked towards Tia, who was sitting in her highchair and smiled.

"Look T! I lost a tooth! See?" Mallory said, poking the gap in her teeth with her tongue. Tia screeched and grabbed for the pumpkin box in Mallory's hand. 

"Mal, make sure you keep that box away from your sister." Evan chimed in, entering the kitchen. Zoe smiled at the sight of her husband and he kissed her forehead.

"How was your day?" He asked. Zoe shrugged. 

"It was fine. Is Alana still able to watch the girls Saturday afternoon?" Zoe asked. Evan nodded and Zoe smiled.

"Why is Auntie Alana watching us on Saturday?" Mallory asked, looking at her mother.

"Because Mommy and Daddy have to go to the doctor." Evan explained.

"Why?" Mallory asked.

"To make sure the baby is okay. Remember?" Evan said. Mallory nodded. 

"Who knows Mal, maybe on Saturday we'll find out if it's a girl or a boy." Evan said. Mallory's face lit up and looked up at her mother.

"I hope it's a girl." She whispered. Zoe smiled and kissed Mallory on the head before she stood up, and lifted Tia out of the highchair.

"Now," Zoe started, swinging Tia into the air, "what do we want for dinner?"

"Pierogies!" Mallory cheered. Zoe smiled and looked at Evan.

"I got dinner tonight Zo, you go sit down." Evan said, kissing her temple. Zoe smiled and looked at Mallory. 

"How about we go in the living room and you can tell me how you lost your tooth?" Zoe suggested. Mallory smiled and dragged her mother into the living room. 

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