clxxiv. albert runcorn

Start from the beginning

"Yes, a lot of offices have been raining lately," said Arthur, giving Tori a look. "Did you try Meterolojinx Recanto? It worked for Bletchley."

"Meteolojinx Recanto?" whispered Reg. "No, I didn't. Thanks, D – I mean, thanks, Arthur."

The lift doors opened; the old witch with the anthill hair left, and Reg darted past her out of sight. Percy Weasley strode into the lift, his nose buried in some papers he was reading.

Not until the doors had clanged shut again did Percy realize he was in a lift with his father and Tori. He glanced up, saw the two of them, turned radish red, and left the lift the moment the doors opened again.

Runcorn tried to get out, but this time found his way blocked by Arthur's arm.

"One moment, Runcorn." The lift doors closed and as they clanked down another floor, Arthur said, "I hear you had information about Dirk Cresswell."

"Sorry?" Runcorn said.

"Don't pretend, Runcorn," said Tori fiercely. "You tracked down the wizard who faked his family tree, didn't you?"

"I – so what if I did?" said Runcorn.

"So Dirk Cresswell is ten times the wizard you are," said Arthur quietly, as the lift sank ever lower. "And if he survives Azkaban, you'll have to answer to him, not to mention his wife, his sons, and his friends –"

"Arthur, Tori" Runcorn interrupted, "You know you're being tracked, don't you?"

"Is that a threat, Runcorn?" said Arthur loudly. Tori had froze at the fact Runcorn called her 'Tori'.

"No," said Runcorn, "It's a fact! They're watching your every move –"

The lift doors opened. They had reached the Atrium. Arthur gave Runcorn a scathing look and swept from the lift. The lift doors clanged shut.

Tori waited until they moved again, before wiping out her wand and placing it at Runcorn's throat.

"Who are you?" She demanded, clearly startling Runcorn's impersonator. "I know you're not Albert Runcorn, who are you?"

"It's me! Harry!"

Tori froze, her eyes widening. She only hesitated for a moment before regaining her stance. "Why don't I take you down to Yaxley and turn you in?"

"No! Tori, I'm serious! It's me! I'm using a Polyjucie Potion." Tori must have looked like she did not believe him because he began to ramble on.

"I call you Big Sis, you call me Little Bro, you're Patronus is a dolphin... uh, you're... uh..."

"Okay, okay... shut up," Tori said, staring at Runcorn-Harry. She hugged him quickly before slapping the back of his head.

"What the bloody hell are you doing here?" She whispered. "You know there's a thousand-gallon reward over your head?"

"Yes. But we need something from Umbridge..." Runcorn-Harry rubbed the back of his head. "We? Ron and Hermione are here too?" She lowered her voice.

Runcorn-Harry nodded. "You're not supposed to know we're here. You can't know. It will put you and everyone else in too much danger."

Tori nodded, understanding. "Alright. Alright. I won't say anything... but what you said to Arthur is true? They're watching us?"

Runcorn-Harry nodded once more. "I was in Umbridge's office. They've got files on all of you."

Tori felt her mouth go dry. She nodded, processing that information. The lift dinged and Harry's stop was next. He nodded goodbye and began to walk out.

"Wait," She whispered, grabbing Runcorn-Harry's arm. "There are groups of muggle-borns all up on level eight. They're awaiting their trials. If you have time, try and get them out of here?"

He nodded once more. And with that Runcorn-Harry disappeared.

 And with that Runcorn-Harry disappeared

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i don't like umbridge

so, for one of the few things im going to do for thanking you all for a million reads, i thought i would announce something

i made this announcement on my message board but like three people saw it lol

i'm not going into details about what it's about, but drumroll please....

there's going to be a second book after friendless

Friendless » Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now