Chapter 22.5

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Your p.o.v.

I sat alone in the forest looking it the night sky its been a few hours since the incident in the ORC building. Issei texted me saying Asia got home safe.

I threw my phone away, and ripped the hair clip out.

Dechrau didn't say anything to me since then either.

I sat there in silence alone. The stars stared down at me.


I yelled at the sky.

Sona:Did that make you feel better?

I turn behind me seeing the student consil president.

Y/n:What the hell do you want?

Sona:Not much I am here because of what you caused. Sirzechs raised his power to such a level in the human world. I had a hunch of what caused it and after I spoke with rias I found out it was you.

Y/n:Why are you here?

Sona:Because no one else is going too?


Sona:Rias Has commanded that they leave you to your own devices until the end of the leaders summit. Your seen by them as a risk to peace.

Y/n:and to you.

Sona:At first I thought to same as them vulgar, angery, spitful to those who are you leader. Now I see you and all I can do is pity you progressing so far being less of a demon.

Y/n:what do you mean?

Sona:Demon are the nevermindless monsters that human confuse us for. They are violent, stupid, and have nothing but hatred in there small minds.

Y/n:So I went back to a mindless beast.

Sona:I didn't say that, that's what you were now you are more than that but, it's your choice to be even better than what your are now.

Y/n:uh-huh so is this little pep talk supposed to magically make me a better person.

Sona:No, I noticed magic has very little effect on you. As well as you have trouble useing your third sacred gear.


Sona:In the end, you are a servant it is your purpose.

Y/n:And what is your purpose?

Sona:To lead, as we speak the student consile is preparing the school for open house.

Y/n:So neither of us are following our purpose.

Sona:Yes, both by choice yours being selfish, mine being undecided.

Y/n:Try being less vague.

Sona:I'm not sure If I came here to help rias or the help myself. The more I think of it the more the line gets blurred.

Y/n:how so?

Sona:well speaking to you properly rather than commanding you it easier. It seems that rias or her peerage haven't done much to understand you.


Sona:Even I am responsible for writing you off as wrathful fool. But now I see your much sadder you cover you face to hide from the world. You pushed most people away to keep them from causing anymore damage to you.

Y/n:what do you know?

Sona:What I said struck a nerve?

Y/n:So what if it did?

Sona:Your acting like a Child, not the King of dragons.

Y/n:A Child....

I said as I felt sona sit down next to me.

Sona:Yes but it's strange how before when you were human I noticed you were much more composed, quiet and unassuming.

Y/n:you were spying on me before I was devil.

Sona:You held a sacred gear, and decided to step on my campus it's a Shame rias got to you first.

Y/n:yeah, I agree being a member of her peerage is like being in the worst family on the earth barring issei, asia and xeno to some extent. They all act if nothing fazes them but I know there's something eating at each of them. I

Sona:I am the same way.

Y/n:I don't see and talk to you every-day. I have to deal with these people that put on a facade an it enrages me.

Sona:A facade like what you do?

Y/n:y-yeah, I guess want them to be better than me.

Sona:Have you spoken to rias about yourself?

Y/n:I have about my father and what he did.

Sona:my guess is she said something about not wanting to experience that pain again?

Y/n:yes almost those exact words, was she lying?

Sona:No it's becasue she believes she could actually stop that pain from coming back, do to your father being human, but as it always has been the past will come back to bite you.

Y/n:like with Kiba?


I took a moment to think as my heart sank.

Sona:are you alright?

Y/n:I don't know anymore I just want to sleep this day away.

I said making her giggle.

Sona:That would be the best for you but, you wasted all of your time pouting in the woods.

Y/n:I guess I did.

She got up dusting herself off.

Sona:I've used up a lot of my free time for the week here, so I'm off back to the school.

Y/n:for the whole week? you need a vacation.

Sona:I believe Im most comfortable where I am.

Y/n:well why don't I challenge that though.

I say as my heart skips a beat.


Y/n:Y-yeah why, why don't we go on a date?

I ask as I start blushing a, I see her smile a little.

Sona:I would like that.

She began to walk away as a magic circle formed and she left.

I couldn't help but grin.

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