Chapter 26 Scathing Truth

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NeXxxT Part.

I sat in the church, looking up at the cross, Bud cuddled close to me in his humanoid form.

Y/n:"Wake up, Little Guy, it's almost time to go home."

I say, rubbing his head.

Bud:"Five more minutes..."

"Fine," I sighed, sitting back in relaxing is the silence of the empty church.

'Strange, I haven't even been rejected from the house of God.'

Diwedd:"Yes boy, that is my doing. "

I hear the new voice of the dragon as a glowing red spot appeared on my arm.

Y/n:"Only The Shining Dragon could give me resistance even then it was mild at best."

Diwedd:"I am not the shining dragon, Boy. "

His voice was suthing to hear, yet she also had an heir of venom to it.

Y/n:"Diwedd, The Black Dragon King, The Dragon of Decimation, True ruler of all dragons I got it."

Diwedd:"Still a foolish child, calling me by the name of either of those two is inaccurate. "

Y/n:"What are you talking bout."

Diwedd:"You must be blind on top of foolish, Both of those ancient fools died."

That statement left me paralyzed.

'That's why the conquered gear didn't work.'

Y/n:"You're not Diwedd. "

????????:"I am not, I do have all of his memories, same with the Shining Dragon. You could say I am their child, but that would still be inaccurate."

He continued on as the sun started to set.

"Diwedd in his old age became a lazy, prideful fool, whilst Dechrau, despite his greater efforts, was nowhere near his prime in terms of power. What caused Diwedd to finally do something and slay his brother was his own pride fueled by something called the Death drive. "

Y/n:" Death drive? "

????????: "You know his little call, Conquer, and the Technique you used to Defeat the Phenex; plague, He used those aspects of the apocalypse as weapons however death was one that he could rarely control."

Y/n:"He said that he could destroy memories and concepts before. "

????????:"He could when he was still a living dragon, before he lost to the Ouroborous Dragon he was considered a God of destruction, then came his pride and then came his fall. "

Y/n:"So what is the Death drive? "

????????:"That is a loaded question. To understand it fully, you'd most likely have to die."

I took a moment to think before my next question.

Y/n:"Who or what are you?"

???? ????:" I am a dragon like many others, who is more complicated. I have no name, but I have a sense of what I must do."

'That answered nothing.'

Y/n:"I can give you a name. "

????:"I'd rather not have stupid pet name like your how'd he say, walking fetish."

Y/n:"He's my friend, not a fetish."

I say in defense.

?????:"I will decide my own name. In time, you must gain strength. "

UnHoly (High-school DxD x male reader) Where stories live. Discover now