The time

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I woke up and saw Luna, Neville, Harry, Draco, Blaise, Ginny, and Cho in the room. "What's going on?" I said carefully sitting up. I looked around and the room was all decorated with cloths and decorations. "Well... we thought that since you can't really do much, we could have the wedding here!" Ginny squealed. I smiled and love the idea obviously. "That's amazing!" I said giggling. "We also invited the parents... um.. I mean- some others like McGonagall and Some people from different houses. Just people we know and have class periods with" Neville smiled. "I love your ring Luna" I said and Neville got red. "Why thank you Hermione. Neville chose a pretty one" she said and snuggled him.

I tried sitting up and fell back down. "Stay there princess... everyone will help you get ready and stuff. I'm going to the room with the boys and will get ready in there. You take all the space and time that you need" he said crossing his arms. I nodded as he kissed my forehead and they all headed into the room and locked it.

"Take this. It will take away pain for 30 minutes" Luna said giving me a clear drink. "Ewww" I laughed after I drank it.

"How are you feeling?" Cho asked and Ginny eyed her. "Better actually!" I said smiling. I got up carefully with the help of Luna and sat in the chair.

It was 3:40 and I had so little time to get ready. But it was okay as long as I could marry my love. "Luna is going to do your hair, I'm doing your makeup, cho is doing your dress and accessories" Ginny said and smiled.

4:27 pm (evening)

"Done!" They all said. I walked to the mirror. "It's amazing!" I said twirling around. I had my white dress on and a bun with 2 braids. I had a lovely white necklace and gold hoop earrings. White heels, Red lipstick, pink blush, natural eye shadow. It was all I ever wanted. All my parents ever wanted. I heard the boys laughing from something but we just giggled and ignored it.

I walked back over to the three girls. "Thank you" I said hugging all of them. "But... who will walk you down?" Luna asked. I thought about it and jumped.

I walked over to the bedroom door. "I need one of you" I said and Harry walked out and closed the door behind him. He took my hands. "Wow Hermione. You look beautiful and amazing!" He said and hugged me. "I would like you to walk me down the isle... only if you want and I was just wondering but you don't have to..." I hesitated and he smiled. "I would be honored to Hermione. And we can hire Colin's brother to take pictures if you want?" He said and I nodded and kissed his cheek. He waved at Ginny and she waved back. "Better get back in" he said and walked into the room again. It was now 4:33 and I started to feel pain in my legs again. "We aren't having a party after are we?" I asked. "Not today because the spell won't last. But maybe in a month? Or just use the galleons on your honeymoon or something?" She shrugged. We walked out of the RR and turned around. We all thought of exactly what I wanted and walked back in. You could see the sky and candles lighting up the room everywhere. A big arch in the front of the room that was white with green vines and pink flowers. A red carpet rolled down the way and white chairs on both sides of it. A small platform for me and Draco to stand and a wider and thinner one for Ginny, Luna and Blaise.


"Drink it now" Ginny said and gave me the drink. I swallowed it and it tasted worse than before. Ugh. Gross. Ginny and Luna took me to a closet next to the R.R so that no one would see me since quests were starting to arrive. I felt like this was unreal. Marrying the one. My soulmate hopefully. Ginny and Luna left in their light red dresses. And Harry came in. "You ready?"he whispered. I was sitting the in chair. My leg was shaking.

I walked over to her and she was taking deep breaths. "You need me to hug you?" I asked and she nodded and stood up. I walked over to her and hugged her closely to my chest. "You're going to be ok." I said and she rested her head on my shoulder. I blew some air in her face and fixed her hair a bit. "I'm sure your parents are watching you. I'm sure they are happy for their beautiful daughter." I said and she smiled. "Everyone is ready!" Ginny said and walked back out. "Come on. Let's go" I said and grabbed her arm.

"How you feel mate" Blaise asked. "Nervous" I said. He patted my back and laughed. "You'll be fine" he said and stepped back. "We're ready" Lovegood said. Everyone stood. I started to feel more nervous then ever. The music started and the doors opened.

Forced and Married by the law of the ministry (dramione, romione, dansy) Where stories live. Discover now