Trying Hard to Understand

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We all got out of the room and Hermione was still sleeping.

"You two hungry?" I whispered. "A bit" they replied. I got out some rice and chicken from the small fridge and made dinner.

30 minutes later

Right as I was about to finish, Hermione woke up. She yawned and sat up. "Ginny?" She smiled and ran to her. They sat on the couch for a long time just talking and catching up. Potter came up to me. "Thank you for taking care of her. I know she really loves you... Draco" he whispered and put his hand on my shoulder. "T-thank you H-Harry" I stumbled out. We smiled and I served dinner.

We talked and ate happily.

Then is was time for bed. We said out good nights and goodbyes as they left. As they walked out, Snape and McGonagall walked in. (Snape never died in my book)

"Mr. Malfoy, May we please speak with you" She asked and I felt nervous. Hermione nodded and went to the bedroom. "Yes?" I asked and they sat me down. "You cannot marry Miss Granger" Snape spat out. I felt confusion come over me. "Why ever not?!" I almost yelled. "Settle down Malfoy. She is not able to have children and that is a problem" McGonagall replied. "That's not fair?!" I yelled and stood up. "I LOVE HER AND YOU CANT CHANGE THAT. ESPECIALLY NOW WHEN SHE IS GOING THROUGH A ROUGH TIME!" I yelled out almost wanting to cry. "Rules are rules Mr. Malfoy... and I am afraid we cannot break them. You will have to marry Pansy Párkinson. I am very sorry. You have 5 extra days to spend with her until you have to leave her" McGonagall said and I cried. "No!" I said and they left. Hermione opened the door. "What happened?" She asked and I hit the wall with my fist. She backed up and stared at me with watery eyes. I turned to her. "Look, I didn't mean to scare you princess I'm sorry" I spat out and she ran towards me. "What happened" she said and hugged me. "Nothing. Everything is going to be ok and I am sure of it. I said holding back more tears.

We changed and got into bed. "Lights off?" She asked and I nodded. We lay down. Both of us staring at the ceiling. The full moon light shining in. Then she started to cry loudly. "I can't have babies" she whispered out. Coughing with every breath and tear she took. "And you have to leave me..." she said again. I sat up and stared at her red eyes. "I heard it all Draco. I have good hearing and I'm smart enough to know that I'm not worthy to get married" she cried sitting up.

I rubbed my eyes and cried harder and louder. He just hugged me and brought me into his arms. He started to cry as well. "I refuse and I promise to stay with you. I promise to never leave you and love you. I will not break that p-promise" he sobbed and I could feel his heart beating faster. "Shh shh" he said and rocked me a bit. I just wanted to not feel any pain. No pain at all. "You know what?" "Y-yes?" I asked. "I'm going to start the bath and we are both going to sit in it. Ok?" He said and I nodded.

The next 4 days were miserable and Draco was still convincing McGonagall and Snape to marry me. Because he loved me and not Pansy. And today, we were called by McGonagall. We sat down in her office.

"I bed you are wondering why you are here?" She asked and we nodded. I slowly grabbed his hand and squeezed my eyes shut, trying not to cry. "No need to cry Miss Granger... I have tried bending the rules a bit... it may have worked." She said and I opened my eyes suddenly.

"Really?!" I yelled. "Yes but with a few exceptions" "what?" He asked.

"Miss Parkinson... she has to say that it is ok for Miss Granger to take her spot in your wedding..."

And that's when we knew that the journey would be long and hard.

Forced and Married by the law of the ministry (dramione, romione, dansy) Where stories live. Discover now