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She walked over to us. "Mrs Hermione Granger May I speak with you please?" She asked and hermione nodded. I walked outside and waited there.

A nice woman came up to me. "I am Madam Pomfrey and I am trying to help you. I wanted to notify you that your wrist and hand may not give much function again... unless you take a medicine but I want to say that it will be a very painful 1 week process" she said and I wanted to cry. "I want to do it" I said and she nodded. She got the needle.

I heard an agonizing scream come from her. Multiple times. I just covered my ears. It reminded me of my aunt bellatrix and how she hurt hermione. I heard a few more screams that made me crumble inside and then Madam Pomfrey came out. "She's done for now" I went inside as she left and saw her. Her face red and wet. Her hand had gotten less red but it looked very hurt. I ran to her and hugged her carefully. "I'm sorry" I said. She cried and I felt even worse. "Want me to kiss it?" I asked smiling and she nodded. I lightly placed a small peck on her wrist and she smiled up at me.

The next 4 days were lonely and sad.

Then it was time for the special dinner.

I helped hermione out of the hospital bed and helped her change is to clothes that would cover her. I wrapped my green scarf around her neck. We walked slowly to the great hall and sat down at the gryffindor table. "Good evening ladies and gentlemen. Today was supposed to be the day to choose your future mate, but complications have come up. You all have 1 week extra to pick who you want to spend it with. Or you can spend it with more than one person. Have fun!" She said and we started to eat.

We ate and I took hermione back to the hospital wing. "I have to go do something and I'll be back in a little while." I said and kissed her forehead. She nodded. "And by the way... we were some sort of thing" I said smiling and I ran out.

I felt happy. Then 5 minutes later a strange boy my age came up to me. He had brown eyes and red/orange hair. "Hello hermione! I'm Ron weasley" He said. I shook his hand. "I'm sorry... do I know you?" "Im your boyfriend silly" he said and I was confused. "But i thought that Draco and I-" "he cheated on you with Pansy Párkinson. They slept together right before you got your concussion and he left you alone for her. That's when I met you" he said smirking. "Oh... ok" i replied. Not knowing if I could trust him.

He slammed his lips onto mine. I didn't like it but I guess I have to because he was my boyfriend? He layed in my bed with me and I kind of liked it. Feeling his warm body on mine. Of corse my body still hurt but he was very careful. Then I felt his hand on my thigh. I flinched. "R-ron... what are you doing" "Don't you want me?" He smirked and I let him do what he did. I was scared to say no and I didn't know if the real me would do this. He started to move his hand higher and closer to my part.

I removed his hand shaking. "I um... I don't feel in the mood right now Ron" I said and he got up from the bed. He rolled his eyes. "Why did I think you would be any different. You're so stupid and ugly. And a total bloody mudblood bitch" he yelled and Draco came in fiercely. He pushed Ron to the floor and Ron ran off whimpering. Draco ran to me and hugged me. Pressing on my chest which hurt, but I didn't want it to end.

"I'm here baby I'm here" he told me.

I rubbed her back and felt her warm tear drops fall on my shoulder. I had my homework in my hand that was now on the floor. "He said that he was my b-boyfriend and that you cheated on me with someone named Pansy..." she said and I kissed her stained cheek. "I would never do that to you." I replied. I let her go. "I brought you one of your favorite books from the library. I don't know if you remember it

The next few hours I read to her. Non stop. It wasn't what i would usually do but it usually calmed her down. Before I knew it. Her head was rested on my shoulder and she was fast asleep

Forced and Married by the law of the ministry (dramione, romione, dansy) Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ