The games

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We got up sleepily and I picked Draco up. "Do we have toooo" he whined and I laughed. "Yes Draco. We all promised" I replied and he groaned. I got us some warm clothes and threw them to Draco. I brushed my hair and washed my face. He did not want to get up! "Draco Malfoy! Get up" I yelled and he finally got up.

We got ready and it was now 1:56

"Come on you big baby. Let's go" I said and he smiled. We walked up all the stairs. We got there and saw Blaise and Pansy sitting. Draco pulled me back roughly and told me to be quiet. "Why did you come here Pansy" "Because. I wanted to play your little game with you." "Why can't you just leave people alone. They love one another and you can't so anything about it"

Draco protected me carefully and with all his life. We walked up and sat a bit away from Blaise. "Why is she here" Draco asked. "Just for fun Draky. And don't worry. I wouldn't dare to go touch that little freak of yours."

I heard Hermione whimper behind me. I put my hand behind me so she could grab it. "You better not Pansy. You know what I can and will do" I replied and she rolled her eyes. Then potter and weaslette got here. "Ohhhk this is awkward. But anyways... let's start" we all sat in a circle. The order went Harry, Ginny, Hermione, me, Blaise, Pansy. "This game is called exposing. You have to expose something about yourself that you have not told anyone" Ginny said. I didn't think this would go well but whatever.

"I'll go first. I have been putting stink spray in Ron's cologne for 2 weeks" she laughed. I heard Hermione giggle and I felt better.

"I never really loved cho" Harry said and we all gasped. Hermiome put her hand over her mouth and Ginny punched her hands into the air. My turn. "I have never truly loved anyone except for Hermione." I said and everyone made sound effects as I got red and Hermione blushed. She kissed my hand and I smiled. "My turn. Let me think" "I have some for you" Pansy said and we all looked at her. "Pansy... don't" Blaise said. She smirked.

"Let's see... she still sleeps with a stuffed bear"

"Stop it Pansy! That was the most important thing that her parents gave her!"

"She used to cry herself to sleep, hmm. Oh she cuts her wrist! She looks at herself in the mirror and she feels ugly... what else?" "STOP IT PANSY... NOW!" I got up and pushed her. Hermione started to cry and ran away. "I got it" Harry said and ran after her. I walked to Pansy and pointed my wand at her neck.

"Hermione. Stop running!" I yelled and she went faster through the hallway. Then outside to the trees. "Hermione Jean Granger! Stop now!" I yelled and she stopped and fell to the ground crying. On her knees. I ran to her and hugged her on the floor. She was breathing fast and hard. Her sniffles were loud and her breaths were hurting me. "Shh. It's ok. Calm down. You're ok. I'm here if you need me Mione. I love you. Ginny loves you. Draco loves you" I said and she put her hand to her chest. "Harry... I need you to hug me really tightly please.. I- I think I'm having an a-anxiety a-attack" she shivered and I put my hand to her chest and hugged her very tight. She was shaking but soon slowed down. She took some breaths and stopped shaking. But she started to cry again. "Thank you" She said.

I let go of her and sat in front of her. "Let me see your wrist" I said. She shook her head no. "Hermione. Give me your wrist. Let me see it now!" I said more stern. She put her hand out and I flipped it over to see 7 lines across her wrist. "Seriously Hermione! What I'm bloody hell is this! Don't do this!" I yelled at her. I didn't mean to sound mad but this was wrong. She closed her eyes and turned away.

"Stop it!" She yelled and I let go of her wrist. She held her stomach. "What's wrong" I asked her and let go of her. She looked at me with her watery eyes. "My s-stomach h-hurts" She sniffled. I lifted her shirt and the mark that Parkinson gave her was red. "You were running and hurt your scar." I said. She put her shirt back down. "Harry... I'm sorry." She mumbled. I hugged her again and put my forehead to hers. "Hermione please. I love you and I can't loose you. Not like everyone else. I need you and you only. I need you to be that family I never had." I said and she nodded. "I'm sorry" "And Mione, you are beautiful. Don't listen to other people. Be you." I said and grabbed her chin. I took a tissue I had in my pocket and wiped her face. "But I want to be like other girls... popular, pretty, not bullied. I want to be normal and not a nerdy mudblood." She said. "You are beautiful. You may be nerdy but that's what makes you so special and smart. Words are words and don't let them hurt you. Just please don't do this to yourself anymore. Promise Me" I said and she nodded. "I promise Harry. I won't" she said and held out her pinky finger. I laughed. Remembering when we made up pinky promise in 2nd year. I connected my finger with hers and a small spark came up. She giggled and I helped her up. Then Malfoy, Ginny, and Zabini came running down to her. She gripped my hand and whispered, "I d-don't want to talk about it now" she said. "Ok. That's perfectly fine" I said and put her hair behind her ears.

I shook my head and the three who were coming down and they got the idea. Malfoy came over and I went with Ginny and Zabini to go for a little walk.

"Hermione! Let me see your hand" I yelled and snatched her hand. I looked like they were closing up. "What the fuck Granger! You can't kill you self! YOU ARE THE ONLY PERSON I HAVE LEFT!" I yelled and she flinched. "Look I'm sorry ok! But stop it! Just stop it now! I hate you for doing this and I-" I put my hand over my mouth and realized what I had just said. She looked at me. "I thought you loved me? So what's the point of living if you don't!" She said and ran to the bathroom. Damn it. I really fucked up.


ITS THEIR WEDDING DAY THO! And it's like 3:01 in the morning so... chille

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