Bumps and Bruises

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"Ron Weasley come out here!" He yelled super loudly. Hermione was about to run to him but I held her and covered her mouth. The portrait was still open so we could see. It took a few minutes but we saw Weasley come. I made sure that we were quiet. "What did you do to her?!" He yelled at Weasley. "Who?" "Hermione! You hurt her!!" He yelled back. Then Weasley punched him in the face. Potter started to push Weasley.

They started fighting physically but I couldn't help. Draco was still holding my waist. "Let go!" I cried when he took his hand off. Then Ron looked at me and his face was angry. I walked backwards and he was about to come at me when Harry hit him again. Ron threw him on the ground and started to hurt him badly.

"Stop Ron you're hurting him!!!" She yelled and started to cry. I still held her tightly. She started to breathe heavily. Potter's face was bloody from being hit several times. "Draco please! Let me help him!" She cried up at me. "You can't Hermione you'll get hurt!" I said and she fought even more. "Then you help him. Please Draco please!" She cried. "You better stay here. If you don't then I won't help you" I said and say her down on the bed. " I need you to take deep breaths please and calm down. Remember... what do you smell, hear, see, feel, and taste." I said and she nodded.

I ran out to the boys and took Weasley off of Potter who was breathing heavily and bleeding a lot. I hit Weasley. "You remember what happened last time. You better go now" I said seriously at him. "Bloody hell Malfoy shove off." He said and walked away quickly. "Can you get up?" I asked potter and he nodded. He held his nose and I helped him up. He kept his head upwards and I walked him to the bathroom. The portrait closed. "Harry" She cried and ran to him. She took off his stained white shirt and jacket.

I took him to the sink and he sat on the toilet cover.

"I'm going to clean you up okay? I promise you will feel better but never do anything that dumb again Harry I can't see you hurt again" I said and he nodded. I took a rag and tried wiping the blood from his nose, mouth, eye brow, and chin. It used up 3 rags to finally clean him up to see the 4 cuts he has. "Ok. Now wash your face" I said and he nodded.

I looked over to Draco who was standing at the door frame leaning on it. He mouthed 'you ok' and I nodded. I handed Harry a black towel and he wiped his face slowly, carefully and put on his glasses. I hugged him tightly. "You really have to promise me not to do that again please" "I promise" he said and hugged me back. "Go sit on the couch while I find the cream" I said and he did so. Draco followed me.

She went into the bedroom with me and shut the door and locked it. She slid down the wall and started to shake. "I- I need you to h-hug me p-please" she said whispering. I walked to her side and sat next to her, giving her a big and tight hug. "More" She said and I tightened more. "Deep breaths" I reminded her. She relaxed. "Better?" "Mmhm" she hummed. I got the cream and gave it to her (since it was on the top shelf and she couldn't reach) 😏 and then I handed it to her. She smirked at me and hit me with her fluffy hair for payback because she knew what I was doing. And I kissed her.

They both came out and Hermione had some cream for me. "It may sting a bit but it's going to help with irritation and pain afterwards." She said and I nodded. She washed her hands and opened the cream. "Ready?" She asked and I nodded, bracing myself. She took her finger and put the cream on my eyebrow first. It definitely hurt but nothing compared to being crucio. "You alright?" She asked and I nodded. She then moved onto my chin where it hurt more but I was fine and she rubbed a bit on my nose "I have nothing for your mouth but you can ice it if you'd like?" She asked and I nodded. Malfoy went to go get ice. Then there was a knock at the door.

Forced and Married by the law of the ministry (dramione, romione, dansy) Where stories live. Discover now