Under the spell

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Day 7
Day seven was hard. Everyone stared. Everyone talked. But when in doubt, I would feel Malfoy place a kiss on the top of my head. "Let's do something tonight?" He Asked and I looked up at him. "What do you have in mind?" I asked suspiciously. "Swimming. Black lake. Midnight. Full moon" he said smirking. "I'll think about it" I said and we split ways for potions and charms class

I was walking into potions when a hand grabbed me and covered my mouth. Pansy Párkinson "Imperius" she said and I felt anger rush through my body. "You love me Draky. Not granger" she said and I nodded. I tried hard to fight it but it was hard. I would try later.

Later on Granger came up to me smiling and I had to ignore her. "Malfoy? Have I Don't something wrong?" I shook my head. Hopefully Pansy wasn't there listening and waiting to control me. "Granger I-" "Run away from her" she said and I tried resisting. "Malfoy!" She called out and I didn't listen. "Draco?!"  Granger yelled back.

Hearing my name from her lips made me stronger. Strong enough to turn back and hear her say, "I love you" she said and I just turned back around and ran away. How could have I been so bloody stupid I just wanted to go cry in the alley.

I just sat there and cried. Then Harry walked by with Cho. "Go on without me. I'll be right there" he said to Cho and she nodded and walked away. He picked me up. "What's wrong Hermione?" He Asked me and wiped the tears escaping my eyes. "Malfoy... he likes me and then he loves me and then he ignores me. I keep getting heart broken every time" I said and Harry hugged me. "I'm sorry. Now please don't cry, you are a lovely young woman and you know that" he said and winked at me as he walked away.

I just stayed there and cried.

I can't be like this. Crying for a boy. I'm hermione granger and I have many other important things. Then a hand touched my shoulder and I jumped. I turned around to see Parkinson. She covered my mouth and took me to a room. "Pansy what the hell?!" I yelled. Then she sat me on a couch and Malfoy walked out with a robe tied on his hands. He looked sad, angry, upset. "Draky, Tell Granger here how much you love me" she said in a very annoying voice.

He struggled and then he said "I love Pansy Parkinson very much. And I will love her f-f" "say it" she said. "Forever" He said.

"But Malfoy i meant what I said earlier and-"
And I felt embarrassed that I told him what I did. "I d-Don't l-love yo-you" He said and a tear went down his face. "Oh. O-ok" I said and left the room.

She left and I just wanted to yell for her to come back. "Parkinson... why?" I asked crying. My heart was broken. "Because Draco. You love me" she said and pushed me onto the ground. She left the room and I took to rope off. I quickly got a parchment and tried to write. My body wanted to but my hand wouldn't let me and I just wanted to yell. "Alright Draky. Now fuck me" she said and I gasped. "No!" I yelled back and she threw me on the couch. I pushed her to the wall and pinned her there. "Not like you haven't done it before. Fuck me" she said and my body just moved. I couldn't hold it in.

I wanted to go back. I wanted to go see if it was true that he never loved me. So I did. I walk in and I see him. "Malfoy i-" Then i looked in and saw him and Pansy on the floor. Doing what they were doing. I whispered and they turned around and saw me. I just covered my mouth and turned the other way.

I heard Malfoy about to speak and Pansy hit him. "Obey" she whispered. I ran out.

We both came. But not a good feeling. A guilty and bad one. "Why haven't you fucked your little girlfriend huh?" She asked mockingly. "None Of your business" I replied. "Is she a Virgin, because knowing you, you would've snapped at her by now" she smirked and I felt anger rush through me. "Please let me off of this curse. And I promise that I will marry you. I will choose you!" "Would you break the unforgivable promise?" She asked. "Yes." "Then obviously I'm not going to take you off of this curse. You wouldn't pick me!" She said. "I was going to pick you from the start! But now that you have me in control I don't know anymore!" I yelled and she huffed.

I ran out of the room and walked into the bathroom. I washed my face and drank some water which somehow made me fell stronger.

It was time for dinner. I sat at the slytherin table and Granger wasn't there. Instead I looked over to gryffindor and saw Potter making a face and me and Ginny rubbing her back as she cried. Potter turned back around and they both started to talk to Granger.

Ugh I just wanted to tell her.

It was time for bed. It was time to see Granger. I got inside and heard crying from the bathroom. I knocked on the door and leaned on it. "Granger?" "Shut up Malfoy!" She yelled and sniffled many times. I opened the door and saw her mascara running down her face. She was in her bra and underwear. As I opened it she covered herself. Her skinny and perfect body. "Granger I-" "You hurt me you know that Malfoy" she said and I just wanted to hug her but my body wouldn't let me. She slammed the door in my face and I just got ready for bed and layed there.

She came out. In her pajamas and a messy bun. She turned off the lights and slept on the couch again.

I stopped crying and soon fell asleep. My back hurting and getting cramps.

3:00 am

I woke up and heard whispering and whimpering from Malfoy. I tried letting it go but every time I would try to fall asleep, I would hear him again. I climbed onto his bed next to him. I hugged and snuggled him and I got under the blanket. He felt cold and shaky. I just layed there next to him and felt his arm wrap against my waist as I dug my head into his chest.

Forced and Married by the law of the ministry (dramione, romione, dansy) Where stories live. Discover now