October| Chapter 9| Ada

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I sat at the car dealership with my dad. My poor jeep had officially died. It had been 3 weeks since I left it in the school parking lot. So much had gone wrong with it, it was just past the point of no return. My dad had brought me today promising to buy me the car of my choice. Of course, I knew this was just another ploy to get back into my life. He tried all of the time to make up for leaving. At this point I just needed a car, so I didn't really care. I was tired of having my mom take me back and forth to school. And there was no way in hell I was riding in the same car as Delilah, she was a maniac behind the wheel.

"Alright sir, if you two will follow me I'll show you a few cars I think you might like" The salesman said as he approached us. We stood up and followed him through the lot. I zoned out whenever he started talking about the mechanics of each car. Did it go? Great. Did it have air? Great, we'll take it. That's what I wanted to say but instead I just let him speak. He let us test drive a few of the cars and even then, it was so hard to keep focused.

"So, what do you think kid?" My dad asked as we stood in front of a few cars.

"Uhm, I mean, I don't know." I looked at each car again.

"You know you can have any of them? I don't want you picking the cheapest, your dear ol dad can handle it." He explained.

"I mean I liked how this one drove." I pointed towards a smaller car. "But I think I'd feel safer in this." I walked towards the Subaru Outback.

"Alright, then it's decided." He looked at the salesman. "We'll take the Outback."

My dad followed the salesman into his office to fill out all of the necessary paperwork. I waited in the lobby flipping through different magazines. God I just wanted this to be over, but I knew my dad would make me sit through a lunch with him. How could I say no when he was literally in there buying me a car? My phone buzzed and I smiled as I read the text.

New ride yet?  It was from David.

Yup, Subaru Outback. Getting my soccer mom sticker now. 

Damn, what a sexy car. I'll race you in my 4Runner

So many other things I would rather do in your 4Runner I looked around the room as if everyone could see the text I had just sent.

I'll pick you up tonight and you can show me? ;) I rolled my eyes when I read the message

See you at 11....I'll meet you in your dreams :P

Ouch :/

At this point my dad and the salesman had come out of the office.

"Alright kid, she's all yours." He dropped the keys in my hand.

"Cool, thanks." I responded as I clutched the new keys tight in my hands. Everything felt awkward with my dad, I always found it hard to look him in the eyes.

"Of course. Anything for my little girl." See this is what I am talking about. I wasn't his little girl anymore.

The car salesman walked us back out to the car. He removed the price tag and sent me on my way.

"So, you got any plans today?" There it was, in seconds we would be deciding where to eat.

"Ugh, not really. I think I might stay at Delilah's tonight." I explained.

"Okay, well have fun. Please be safe and call me if this one gives you any trouble." What? No lunch? No digging into my personal life?

"Okay, yeah...I will for sure." I was shocked.

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