September| Chapter 5| Ada

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It was the second day of school. This day was already operating a lot smoother than the previous day. I made my way to my drama class. By this time, I had figured out the school and all of its twisted halls. Navigating it wasn't as complicated as it was my freshman year. I remember being so overwhelmed. Luckily that year Delilah and I had all of the same classes, a result of both of our mothers doing I would assume. So, when I was lost, I was lost with Delilah. But either way David would always find us. Him being more familiar with the layout since he had a year on us. He would instruct us to follow him and he would walk two steps in front of us, so no one knew we were with him. Although it was pretty obvious since a girl looking scarcely similar to him trailed closely behind, we just did whatever made David happy. Plus, we didn't want to stay lost in this massive school.

I turned the corner and came face to face with my drama class. The class was held in a small theatre room. Rows and rows of chairs lined the floor all circling a dark stage. No desk were in sight. The teacher let us sit where we pleased, aside from the first day where we all took seat on the stage. He said we needed to "become one with the stage, feel it, breathe it, live it." Basically, everything you think a drama teacher would say this joker said it. I walked into the class choosing a seat further from the stage. A few more people took a seat around me. Shortly after I noticed from the corner of my eye a figure approaching me. I looked up and it was an unfamiliar face. The boy had dark eyes and no care in the world. I was hooked immediately.

"Hi, I'm Conner." He flashed a quick smile at me and flipped his hair out of his face.


"Hi, I'm Ada." I replied softly.

"Cool." He looked away from and his eyes wondered around the room.

"Alright welcome to Drama! Everyone take a seat, like I mentioned yesterday my name is Mr. Beckett. I'd like to start the class this semester just covering simple topics. Today specifically we'll start with improv. On the board behind me I'm going to list the basics. We'll go from there."

I had no idea what I was in for, I honestly just picked this class because I thought it would be an easy a. I sat nervously as I watched different students volunteer to participate. There was no way in hell that would be me. I looked from the corner of my eye and I could see Conner sending texts to someone. The class laughed and this brought my attention back to the stage. Student after student took the stage as they gave improv their best shot.

"You thinkin about volunteering?" Conner leaned over his seat resting his elbow on the armrest closest to me. This put us only inches from one another and I felt my heart begin to race being this close to him.

"Uhm, no." I nervously answered. "I'm more of an observer."

"Gotcha, I think we're in the same boat." When he smiled it was almost devilish, something about this guy just drew me in so quickly.

"Cool." I nodded my head. I was trying so hard not to make a fool of myself. Before Conner could reply the bell rang signaling the end of class.

Conner stood up from his seat and I realized he didn't have a single thing with him. I wish I could exude this "I don't give a shit" behavior but I knew deep down I did. "Promise me we'll partner up if we ever have to get on that stage?" Conner asked as we walked out of the class. This took me by surprise given we had only spoken a few words.

"Yeah dude, let's just hope it doesn't come to that." I smiled a small smile.

"Welp, I gotta get to my other class but I guess I'll see ya tomorrow." Conner waved and turned down the hall.

"See ya." I waved back and continued to my last class of the day.

"See ya?" David mocked as he came up behind me.

"Oh shut up." I blurted out as I turned around.

"Ouch Ada, you're a cruel one this year." David caught up to my quick pace. Damn him and his athleticism.

"What do you want David?"

"First that's King David to you. Second just wanted to see if you're okay after-"

"Yeah I'm fine. I would actually appreciate if it was never spoken of ever again." I cut him off before he could even utter the events of the previous day.

"But Ada it was such a special moment." David said sarcastically.

"Is there something you have against me? What is up with you lately?" I asked. He was getting on my last nerve. I wanted to know if this was some sick prank.

"David, what up?" One of David's friends stopped by us in the hallway. His face twisted with confusion as he noticed David was talking to me. David picked up on this quickly.

"Yeah, sorry I was just messing with you." David said quickly. His whole attitude changed. With that he walked off joining his friend.

"What was that all about?" Delilah asked as she walked up to me.

"Dude I don't know your brother's humor gets more twisted each year." We walked into our last class of the day taking a seat in the back of the room.

"So, my parents are going out of town next Friday, did you want to stay for the weekend?" Delilah asked as we "listened" to our science teacher.

"Yeah sounds good to me. My mom has been slammed at work lately so not much has been going on at my place." I tried to keep my voice low so we wouldn't draw the attention of the teacher.

"Cool. Hopefully David will be gone too!"

"God don't even say his name around me." I huffed.

Our class continued and all I could think about was David. David chasing me through the halls, David mocking me, David shirtless, David and I....shit. No. Okay no! Conner....yeah okay Conner shirtless....Conner shirtless but it's David. Oh dammit.

"Ada!" Delilah said snapping me out of my trance.

"Yeah what?"

"We have to divide up, move your desk over so we can work together." Delilah demanded.

"Okay, sorry." I pushed my desk close to hers. 

"What's up with you?"

"I don't know, just tired I guess." Tired of your brother randomly overtaking my freaking mind with his freaking ripped body! Damn you Delilah! Damn you and your whole family!

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