September| Chapter 8| David

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I paced my room back and forth. I looked at the clock.

1:12 a.m.

Shit when did it get so late?

Macy had already left. Why did I call her? This day had turned into complete and utter shit. I didn't mean for Ada to see her, she hated me for sure now. I knew she did. I knew Ada my whole life. Delilah's best friend. I chased them around with dirt covered hands and scared them any chance I got. I hadn't seen her all summer since I was in California.

Since I had seen her that night, I couldn't get her out of my head. I had never noticed her, my whole life there she was right in front of me. It took me leaving for three months and coming back. She had changed so much. Her curves were still there but they were sexier now. Her dark brown eyes were almost lighter now. She also just carried herself like she didn't have a care in the world. The girls I usually went after were the complete opposite. They were so self- absorbed it just made hanging out with them so much work.

That day at school I fully intended on leaving Ada and Delilah alone but when I saw her sitting on the bleachers laughing at the chaos that surrounded her, I couldn't help but run straight towards her. Then when I got home that day and she was in my room, which by the way never happened, and she was naked! Like that had to be a sign, right? Either way when I kissed her in my car, gosh what a kiss. I had lost any control I had mustered up and I just went for it. But getting closer to the house it all began to sink in. What would Delilah say? What if Ada just wanted to kiss and nothing else? Would it ruin her friendship with my sister? Would they hate me forever? Now I didn't have to wonder because I opened my stupid mouth and I watched as I destroyed the sweet and caring girl in front of me.

It was torcher being in this house now. She was just down the hall probably sound asleep. So close but so far away and it was driving me insane! I wanted to see her to touch her to speak to her. Why was I so drawn to her? But she was done with me and if I pushed it, I knew Delilah would destroy me. Shit Delilah had so much on me she could have my parents send me away for life! It was clear I wasn't going to sleep anytime soon. I threw on a pair of my gym shorts and headed downstairs. When I walked into the kitchen, I was startled to see someone already sitting at the counter. It was Ada. Shit.

"Hey." I walked straight to the fridge and grabbed a bottle of water. All of the lights were still off. What was she doing? Why was she just sitting here in the dark?

"Hey." She sniffled her voice was shaky.

I hesitated but I walked closer to her. "Are you okay?" I cared for this girl, I always had. I would protect her with my life just like I would Delilah.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm fine." She started to stand up from the stool. The moon light softly lit the kitchen and I could see tears streaming down her face.

"Hey." I gently grabbed her hand. She quickly turned and looked at me. Her eyes were so sad, and all of the life had been sucked out of them. Maybe she felt the way I did.

"What do you want David?" Her voice was cold.

"I just....I-"

"Look you don't have to apologize anymore, I get it. You regret it. But I don't okay. I don't know what's going on. I don't know where all of this is coming from, but I felt something when we kissed. I know you didn't feel anything and that's fine. But I just need you to leave me alone. Let me get over this okay?" She was keeping her voice low and I could tell she was fighting back more tears. I wanted to scream that she was wrong I wanted to grab her and kiss her.

"Okay." That was all I could say! I wish I could step outside of myself and punch me!

"Also, next time you have a girl over, you don't have to flaunt it in front of me. I get the message loud and clear." Ada turned and started to walk out of the kitchen.

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