October| Chapter 11| David

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Halloween fell on a Monday this year. My friend Trevor was having his annual party the weekend before. I wanted to bring Ada, I wanted to make things official with her. At this point I didn't care what anyone thought. Shit had been so bad between Delilah and I, I figured what could make it worse? After I fought Delilah's boyfriend at my party, she didn't talk to me for almost a month. Well she didn't talk to me until I called her a bitch for how she treated Ada. That was like 3 weeks ago, so we were almost going on another month. We lived in the same house for Christ's sake. But when my sister made up her mind, that was it. You couldn't push her to go any other way. Her heart was as cold as ice until she decided you were worthy again. Even then she never let you forget how shitty of a person you once were. Since their fight Ada hadn't really come over. Which meant the only time I got to see her was at school when we passed one another in the hall., even then we had to pretend we didn't see each other. She and Delilah had made up about a week after their fight, those two were inseparable, it was almost disturbing, but I think something was still off between them. Ada wasn't coming over as near as much as before their fight, and when I texted her about it she just used her dance as an excuse.

I just wanted to be with Ada, I needed to be with her. She was all I thought about, she consumed me. I texted her any chance I got, hell most nights I fell asleep with my phone in my hand. Ada had also made me my own playlist. Some were filled with songs she knew I would like; others were songs that reminded her of me. I would listen to the playlist when I went on my runs or when I was just lying in bed. My headphones had become a part of me. Right now, she had me listening to some sad sappy album. I laid sprawled out on my bed.

This song is so fucking sad. I don't think I like it I texted Ada. 

Which one is it?

Vanderlyle Crybaby Geeks??? What a title

What?! That's my favorite one!!!

I laughed and shook my head, of course it was. Are you going emo on me? 

Ha-ha never! Just listen to the words, it's a beautiful song

Come over and sing it to me, I miss you :(

All the very best of us string ourselves up for love... She was quoting the song now. My lips curled into a smile.

I'm closing my eyes and imagining you here That I was.

Here she was in my room; I would hold her close as we danced slowly around my room. My face nuzzled in her hair breathing in that fresh lavender smell that was Ada. I would wrap my arms tight around her lower back pulling her close to me. Gosh this space was killing me!

What am I doing behind your eyelids? She asked.

Dancing with me

I would like that very much <3

Come over please, everyone is gone. I have the house to myself. I begged her.

 David, I can't. It's too risky! She was right, I knew she was right, but I didn't care anymore.

I'll come get you then! Be ready in 30 min. I was seeing this girl dammit! I needed to see her!


30 minutes Ada don't waste any time I could just see her rolling her eyes on the other end of the phone.


I raced around my room changing my clothes. I brushed my teeth and ran my hands through my curly hair. That should do. I hopped into my car and hit the road. I plugged in my phone and selected one of the playlists Ada had made for me. This one was titled Drive to This. This girl was rubbing off on me. I shook my head and smiled.

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