November| Chapter 16| David

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It was Thanksgiving morning. We had been at this god forsaken beach house since Sunday night. My mom had consumed a full bottle of wine each day. Delilah had read a book each day and I spent my days kicking a soccer ball down the beach. Some vacation. I found it hard to stay in the house. My mom had insisted on coming even after my dad had bailed out. He said he had to work but I knew the real reason he wasn't here. He knew that I knew as well. He avoided me at home ever since. Each day we woke up Delilah sobbed at the breakfast table begging my mom to let us return home. That's when I knew things were bad because Delilah never cried, she was always stone cold. As much as Delilah and I clashed I had to admit that I agreed with her. Of course, I just missed Ada. I thought about her every moment that I was away from her. I fell asleep dreaming of when I could touch her again.

Each morning I took my time getting ready hoping to avoid hearing Delilah bitch about my dad's absence. But this morning when I walked downstairs, I was shocked to come eye to eye with my dad. He was eating breakfast with Delilah. They were laughing at the table. Those two always got along so well, sometimes it made me sick. The laughing came to a stop when I walked in. I glared at my dad and he moved his attention to his newspaper.

"David aren't you going to say anything! Daddy was able to make it! He got in early this morning! Just in time." Delilah was beaming.

"Cool." I mumbled as I looked through the fridge, who was I kidding? I wasn't going to eat.

At this time my mom walked into the kitchen. When I caught her eye, I realized she was just as surprised by his appearance as I was.

"Terrance, what are you doing here?" My mother's voice was cold. This surprised me.

 "Well good morning to you too Camille." My father replied. Delilah looked so confused. 

"Terrance, we need to speak." My mom stood in the doorway of the kitchen.

"Okay Camille, talk." My dad folded his newspaper and laid it onto the table.

"What's going on?" Delilah asked. My parents glared at one another. 

"Terrance don't do this. Let's talk in the other room." My mom stood firm.

Then it hit me all at once like a ton of bricks. "Holy shit." I blurted out.

Everyone jerked their heads to look at me. "David!" My dad said.

"Holy shit!" I moved across the kitchen. "Oh my god, she knows! You know!"

"David!" My father repeated standing up at the table. I looked at my mom and she was denying nothing.

"This family is fucked up!" I walked past my mom leaving the kitchen.

"David, get back here right now!" My mother demanded.

I stopped on the stairs. "I'm going upstairs to pack my bags. I'm going home. You can join me if you'd like but I'm not staying here!" I calmly stated.

My mom looked at me and looked at my dad. Delilah had followed us into the foyer. 

"What is happening?" Delilah exclaimed.

"Delilah this doesn't concern you." My father stated firmly.

"It doesn't concern either of them Terrance!" My mom snapped.

"What is-" Delilah was cut off before she could finish.

"Delilah, enough!" My dad yelled. "David you will stay here, and we will eat together as a family!"

"Ha! Family? Is that what-"

"David don't!" My mom said. "Terrance, David and I will pack our things and leave out on the next flight. You and Delilah will return home as you please."

My father and Delilah stood frozen. My mom walked past me on the stairs. She had an almost calm presence. I followed her up the stairs and walked into my room. I began to pack my things. Delilah burst through my door.

"David! What is going on?"


"What do you mean nothing? Why are you and mom leaving? This doesn't make sense!" 

"Delilah just drop it, believe me." At this point I was just throwing my shit into my bag.

 "No! I don't-"

"Delilah, drop it!" I snarled.

"Fuck you David! I hate you!" Delilah ran to her room. Her door slammed shut.

I finished packing my things and carried my bags to the car. I helped my mom carry her bags down as well. Delilah stayed in her room probably crying into her pillow. My father sat almost unbothered in the kitchen reading his newspaper. That motherfucker! We left without a word. The ride to the airport was complete silence. My mom peered out her window looking almost stoic. A part of me felt angry but another part of me was full of excitement. I wanted to text Ada and tell her that I would be home in less than 3 hours! But I opted to wait, I thought it better to surprise her.

We boarded the plane still without a single word. My mom had booked us in first class. I was almost positive that we were rewarded these seats soley based off of her looks. The few times I looked at her, her blue eyes looked like they would turn you into ice. What was going through her mind? When the plane took off, I looked over at her, her expression had somewhat softened. I reached over and grabbed her hand. She turned her head and smiled at me softly.

"I love you mom." I smiled.

"I love you too David." She smiled back and a single tear fell down her face.

"We'll get through this, okay?" I reassured her. She nodded her head and looked back out the window.

An hour and a half later our plane landed. I tried to hide the excitement that pulsed through my body. I thought I was going to lose it when our bags were the last to come out on the conveyer belt. I practically ran to the car and I sure as hell would be the one to drive home. It hit me on the way home that I had not told my mom about Ada and me. It hit me that I had not told a single person.

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