November| Chapter 17| Ada

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"Ada! Hello? Ada!" My dad was waving his hand in front of me.

"Sorry...I.." I felt like my mind had left my body.

"Honey, how does this make you feel? Speak to us." My mom sat across from me at the table now.

" long have you known?" Was all I could get out.

"Uhm...not that long....about a year-"

I cut him off. "A year! Oh my god! A year!" I stood up from my seat completely shocked. 

"Ada, I know this is crazy, believe me I was shocked too. I don't want this to ruin the little progress we've made." My dad stood mirroring me.

"I'm sorry I just need a minute." I felt like a zombie as I walked up the stairs.

I closed my bedroom door and locked it. I turned on my stereo blaring whatever cd was in there. I closed the bathroom door and locked it as well. I turned the bathroom fan on to hide any noise. I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror. I looked like a ghost version of myself. All of the life had escaped my eyes. I fell to my knees and released everything I had consumed that day. The coffee I had for breakfast, the first plate of food....the second plate, dessert, the second dessert. Why did I eat so much? It all came rushing back up just as I had feared. Tears were rushing down my face. I felt nothing though. All of the noise that surrounded me was just silence. I threw up until my stomach was dry almost hurting when I gagged. I fell back against the bathroom cabinet. I was empty. I pulled myself up and brushed my teeth. I threw cold water on my face hoping it would lessen the puffiness from all of the crying. I dried my face and turned the fan off. I then cut the music off and returned downstairs. My parents were waiting for me in the foyer both looking overly concerned. Like overly concerned retired models. Fuck them.

"Ada, sweetie." I hated the sound of my father's voice.

"I'm going to go stay at a friend's house tonight. I just need to be alone." I grabbed my keys off of the entryway table.

"Ada, stay and let's talk about this." My dad pleaded.

"Stay? You want me to stay!!" I was inches from his face screaming now. The anger was back.

"Please, we can work this out!" I could tell he was fighting back tears as his voice cracked.

"You left us! You! And now you just come in here dropping this freaking bomb on us!" 

"I know, I know! I'm so sorry. Your mother and I have-"

"Oh, you've talked about it? I'm sure that went great!! You cheated on her!!!" I yelled. 

"Ada!" My mom tried to intervene.

"Why don't you start a new family with your new daughter! Maybe she'll get the dad that doesn't leave!!" My voice ripped through my throat.

"I'm still your father Ada! Please just give me a chance to be, give me a chance to make it up to you!" He reached out to embrace me.

I slammed my fist onto his chest. I was sure this caused me more pain than it did him, his chest like a solid wall. "I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU SO MUCH! YOU'RE NOT MY FATHER AND YOU NEVER WILL BE!! MY FATHER DIED THE DAY HE LEFT ON MY BIRTHDAY!! REMEMBER THAT? MY BIRTHDAY!! YOU'RE A SAD EXCUSE FOR A HUMAN BEING!"

My throat was raw at this point and I struggled to catch my breath. My dad stood in front of me in complete shock. His world had been ripped away from him now. With that I slammed the front door stomping my way to the car. I was so freaking furious. I had no idea where I was going. I couldn't even think straight! I sat in my car gripping the steering wheel my knuckles turning white as the time passed.

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