October| Chapter 10| Delilah

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Everything had been such a wreck ever since that stupid party David threw. I was so excited when Nolan had finally agreed to make an appearance. It had been weeks since I had seen him. When he finally arrived, I made sure to stick right by his side! Never in a million years did I think he would actually show up. Ada and I had spent all day getting ready trying on outfit after outfit. I know it sounds ridiculous but believe it or not this was the first party we had ever been to! Every time David threw one of these things, he practically begged me to stay at Ada's. He couldn't stand the thought of someone finding out we were related or his little sister embarrassing him. So, I was shocked when he invited us that afternoon, I tried not to jump at the offer. When Ada and I got into my room we were bursting with excitement. Who knew it would end so horribly?

It took me begging Nolan for hours the next morning to a) stay with me and b) that my brother would in fact not kill him if he were to ever come around again. If anything, I was going to kill David! I had hardly spoken a word to him since the party. I just glared at him if we happened to be in the same room. My blood boiled every time I looked at him. I knew David was always getting in fights, I just never thought one would be with my boyfriend. My family always treated me like a child like I couldn't fight my own battles. David going after Nolan that night just proved that they still saw me that way. But I tried to just put it all aside. At the end of this year David would be graduated and off to college. Then I wouldn't have to worry about him ever again! That party messed up so much, even Ada was being off with me. I couldn't put my finger on it but after that night something had shifted in our friendship. She followed me up to my room after Nolan left. I begged her to just leave me alone because in all honesty I couldn't stand to let her see me cry, especially over a boy. In all of our friendship Ada had only seen my cry a handful of times. I tried my hardest to never let anyone see me cry. A few minutes passed and Ada convinced me to unlock the bathroom door, she made sure I made it to my bed. Ada was just as stubborn as I was, so I gave in and as soon as my head hit the pillow I was out. Part of me wondered if somehow, she had found out the secret I had been keeping from her. I wondered if I had upset her in some way, it also could just be something with one of her parents. I tried not to think about it too much.

A knock sounded from the front door. "Hey guys!" It was Sam, Bryce and their friend Jackson.

"Hey!" Sam smiled. Ever since I met them, I looked forward to the Friday runs in weight training. Bryce and Sam started running with me. We would finish first and spend the rest of class hanging out.

"Come on in." I motioned. They all stepped inside of my house. Even though they had come over a couple of times, I don't think they were yet accustomed to the size.

"Hey, I'm Jackson by the way." This guy was tall and lanky, he looked kind of awkward standing next to Sam and Bryce, but he was still just as nice.

"Hi Jackson, I'm Delilah! I'm glad you could come over today." I politely stated.

We made our way to the theatre room where I had filled bowls full of popcorn and candy.

"So, what should we watch today?" Bryce said as he took a seat on the couch, maybe he was becoming accustomed.

"I don't know, do you guys have any preference?" I asked as I walked over to the DVD shelf.

"I'm kind of feeling a documentary." Jackson suggested.

"Boooo!" Sam and Bryce said at the same time, we all broke into laughter.

"What about this?" I held up this new movie Drive, Ada had seen it in theaters and bought it to show it to me. We hadn't gotten around to it yet but I'm sure she wouldn't mind if I watched it with the guys.

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