September| Chapter 4| Ada

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It was early morning and the sun was rising, slightly peeking through the blinds in my room. I stood in front of my vanity in my bedroom. I turned from side to side inspecting my outfit. I was wearing a pair of boyfriend jeans and a Queen t-shirt I had found at the thrift store this summer. "Is it first day worthy?" I thought.

At that moment a bing sounded from my phone. A text from Delilah with a picture attached.

Outfit check hoe!

She was the only person I knew who could pull off those skinny jeans without having to cuff the bottoms, myself included.

Damnnnnnnnn I replied back.

My outfit would have to do as I realized the time on my phone. I ran my hand through my hair which I had opted to straighten today. The first day back to school never went as planned. I always put on too little make up, my hair wasn't straight enough, or the outfit I selected the night before always looked drastically different in the morning light. My phone sounded again breaking my train of thought, it was Delilah, again.

Let's park beside each other, don't leave your car without me! 

K, see ya there bish

I rushed down the stairs and into the kitchen. My mom stood at the kitchen counter sipping from a cup full of coffee. Knowing her it was probably her second or third cup. My mother was strikingly beautiful, and I looked nothing like her. She was wearing an all-black suit and a button-down top. Her jet-black hair was pulled back tight into the perfect ponytail.

"Good morning Ada." She didn't even look up from her laptop. My mom was a real estate agent. After my dad left us, she spent all of her time learning the ins and outs of the industry. She actually did amazing for herself, but she just worked so much.

"Good morning." I smiled at her even though I knew she wasn't looking at me.

"I've already packed your lunch and your breakfast is over there." She quickly pointed on the other side of the kitchen.

I walked over to the other side of the room and grabbed my lunch box. I assumed the apple was what she had intended I eat for breakfast. I grabbed both things and stuffed them into my backpack. I walked over to my mom and kissed her on the cheek.

"Have a good day." She looked away from her computer for a second to flash me a quick smile.

"Thanks, you too." With that I was out the door.

My favorite part of the day was always times that I would get to drive in my car. There she sat, a 2005 cherry red Jeep Grand Cherokee. She drove like a dream, but even better with the windows down and the music turned up loud. I hopped into my car and plugged the aux cord into my phone. I scrolled through my music library and selected the playlist I had created for this morning's ride. Most people I knew had an iPod, but my mom made me chose between that and getting a phone. So of course, I got the phone. I just didn't have that much room on it for my music.

I always hated the first day of school and I often wondered if anyone else felt the same way I did. No matter how long I had gone to this same place to see the same people it was just this weird swirl of emotions that stirred within me. I always felt like my anxiety was at its greatest the moments I walked back into school, returning from my summer break. I sat anxiously through traffic. Tapping my fingers on the steering wheel and trying my hardest to focus more on the music that I played through the speakers of my car. I eventually arrived at school. Our school sat in the middle of town surrounded by small neighborhoods. It was a pretty large school that stood two stories tall. There were four different wings to the building, each breaking off into different subjects. One wing was history for all of the grades while another wing of the school was for all of the math classes. It was a horrible layout and always meant you were running from one side to the other to make it to your class.

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