December| Chapter 27| Ada

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I woke up the next morning in David's arms. My head was throbbing, and I felt like complete shit. Like worse than shit. David was still asleep and probably would be for a while longer. I moved his arm off of me and quietly slid out of the bed. I walked into the bathroom and turned the lights on, no too bright, I turned them back off and just left the door open leading to David's room. I turned the water on in the jacuzzi and let it fill up. I added an ungodly amount of lavender bubble bath. My phone buzzed and I reached for it. It was Delilah.

Let's go grab coffee! I feel like I haven't seen you this whole trip.

Dude not today, I feel like shit. I think I caught something. Just gonna sleep it off. I replied.

Boo you whore she replied then a few seconds later she sent but also let me know if you need anything <3

Thanks, I will. Go hit the slopes :)

I tossed my phone on the vanity top and threw David's shirt to the floor. I climbed into the tub. Yes! I closed my eyes and sat completely still. My head was spinning, and my mind was completely blank. It was like I couldn't form a full thought. After a while I pushed a button that sent the water swirling through the tub. The jets hit my back and I thought I would die right there. I think I had fun last night? Was it worth this? I don't know. I tried to piece together everything that happened but only flashes of moments filled my mind. I opened my eyes and looked at the shower that stood beside the jacuzzi. Oh shit, we had the shower. I had sex with David in a fucking shower! At this moment David broke my train of thought walking into the bathroom.

"Good morning my love." He knelt down and kissed me on the forehead. How in the fuck did he look this good after getting just as shit faced as me?

"Shhh... too loud." I whispered.

"Awww." He patted my head. "My girls first hangover."

I rolled my eyes. "Do you feel as bad as I do?"

"I don't no. But I've done this a lot more than you." He laughed.

"I feel so fucking terrible." I rubbed my head.

"Dude, you're fucking crazy when you drink." My eyes widened. "No like not bad crazy...just like..."

"Did I do something?" I sat up. Oh god what did I do? "Did I flash someone?!"

"What!? No!" David burst into laughter. "God no Ada, you actually, you got into a fight."


"Well I guess it was less a fight and more you throwing a beer in a girl's face." He laughed.

"Shut up! Are you serious?" I covered my mouth. Flashes of the night started to come back. "Oh my god I did! Oh my god."

"It's okay, she was a bitch. But man, you're a little fire ball." His lips curled. 

"That is terrible David, oh my gosh I can't believe I did that!" I sank back into the bathtub.

"Hey I don't mind. I thought it was pretty hot. I had to hold you off of her." He smiled. 

"You perv." I rolled my eyes and splashed him with water.

"Hey!" David splashed me back. I splashed him back, we both laughed. "Don't make me come in there!"

"Sounds like it'd be more a favor to yourself than a threat to me." I smirked. David threw his shirt over his head and dropped his shorts.

"Alright, you asked for it." David stepped in and started splashing me, water going everywhere. I fell back laughing. He scooped me up into his arms and held me close to him. 

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