November| Chapter 14| Delilah

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"So, what are you guys doing for Thanksgiving this year?" Ada and I had spent all day Sunday watching movies with Sam and Bryce.

We were all piled onto the couch in the theatre room at my house. Sam and I shared a pint of Ben & Jerry's. Bryce and Ada opted for Hagen Das. I laughed every time we reached our spoons in at the same time.

"My family is going to Chicago. We're going to visit my Aunt and Uncle." Bryce said.

 "Is that where you're from?" Ada inquired.

"Oh no, we're from here. My aunt just moved up there after she got married."

 "Oh, cool." Ada took a bite of ice cream. "What about you Sam?"

"Oh, my family usually just stays in town. Everyone comes to my place, it's pretty simple really." I found myself listening intently whenever Sam talked.

"That sounds nice." I smiled.

"What is your family doing?" Sam asked me.

"Oh, we are renting a house in South Carolina."

"Is your family from there?" Sam asked.

"Oh no, my mom just likes to visit different places, this year its South Carolina. We're staying near some beach." I shrugged my shoulders.

"Well that could be fun." Sam said.

"Ada, what about you?" I did not want to talk about my family anymore.

"Uhm, I don't know. My mom actually said something about eating with my dad so..." Ada trailed off.

"Whoah." I blurted out.

"Yeah. I guess it will be fine." Ada faked a smile and took another bite of ice cream.

"Let's watch another movie!" I quickly suggested. I felt bad for saying anything, but Ada hadn't mentioned it before this!

We sat through a cheesy comedy and ate the rest of our ice cream. After Sam and Bryce left, I confronted Ada in the kitchen.

"Why didn't you tell me about your dad?" I asked as we cleaned up in the theatre room. 

"I don't know, I honestly haven't thought that much about it myself."

"So, like is he coming to your mom's or like?" I was so confused.

"Yeah, I don't know. It's all so fucked up." Ada sat down on the couch. "The other day mom just like dropped the news on me. I got so pissed but she wouldn't hear it."

"Ada that's awful." I sat down beside her.

"Yeah it really is. Delilah what if they're getting back together?" When she looked at me her eyes were full of fear.

"No. No there's no way your mom would go for that." I reassured her. Which by the way if her mom did go for that I would beg my parents to let Ada live here in a heartbeat. No way I would let her live with that tool.

"I don't know. They're just like being weird and it's really been messing with my head." I pulled Ada close to me and gave her a hug.

"Either way I'm here for you." I reminded her.

"Thanks Delilah. So how long will you guys be gone for Thanksgiving Break?"

"I think just a week. I'm going to be trapped with my family for a week!" We both laughed.

"We can trade?" Ada joked.

"I wish you guys could come with us!" I exclaimed. "I mean you and your mom of course."

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