November| Chapter 19| Delilah

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My father and I spent Thanksgiving Day at the house we had rented in South Carolina. After David and my mom left, we decided to make the best of it. At least we tried to. Everything we cooked was either burnt or was inedible. The only thing that came out right was my famous pumpkin pie. But it was not as enjoyable with no one there to eat it. We ordered a pizza from the local pizzeria and watched a movie. My father sat in silence for the rest of the night. I couldn't read him; his face was stone cold. My family was keeping something from me, and I had no idea what. I wish they didn't treat me like a little girl, like I would break at the mention of conflict. Sure, I cried like a baby when they left, haven't you ever cried before?!

"Good morning Daddy." I said as walked into the kitchen. My dad was sitting at the table reading the newspaper just like every morning.

"Good morning bug. Did you sleep well?" He took a sip of coffee. 

"I did, how about yourself?" I opted for a bowl of strawberries. 

"I did. So, what would you like to do today?"

"Hmmm." I thought.

"We can do anything you like, anything at all!"

I stood at the countertop eating one strawberry after the other. "Daddy, I want to go home." I confessed.

"Delilah I-"

"Please!" I pleaded. "It doesn't feel right being here without them." "I know but-"

"You said we could do anything!" I reminded him.


"Aren't you a man of your word?" I knew this would get him.

He sighed. "Okay, fine."


"Yes, really." He stood up from the table.

"Okay, okay! Thank you!" I ran up to him and threw my arms around him as tight as I could.

"Come on now. Let's pack our things. I'll book us on the next flight." He didn't sound as excited as I did. But I didn't care I just needed my family back together.

Two hours later we were racing from the taxi to our gate. Weaving in and out of people who looked jet lagged. I was so excited! I wanted to dance through the airport, but I knew we didn't have time for that. On the plane I tried to read the rest of my book, but I was just too excited to focus on the pages. When I got home, I was going to remake my famous pumpkin pie. We would all sit around the table fighting over the last piece. Laughing and smiling like we did every Thanksgiving. I could even call Ada; she could come too! I wonder how it had gone with her dad. I looked over to my dad, he had his laptop out sending email after email. Back to work it was.

The plane landed and it took everything in me not to push past everyone to be the first out. I practically ran through the airport making my way to the car daddy had called for us. I wasn't sure what I was expecting to happen when we arrived home. I think a part of me genuinely believed that everything would be as if nothing happened. When we would walk through the door mom would greet dad with a kiss. David would even be excited to see me! We would all be a happy family.

When we arrived home, it was late in the afternoon. The house looked empty. The nice man from the car service helped us carry our bags to the front door. I twisted my key in the lock too impatient to wait for Daddy to find his.

"We're homeeeee!" My voice echoed through the house. Silence. "Hello?"

We carried our bags through the door. I dropped mine as my eyes caught spots of blood on the marble staircase.

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