September| Chapter 6| Delilah

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I raced home after school was over. I was excited to see my Dad who had just gotten home from one of his business trips. I threw my car into park and sprinted through the front door. There he was!


"Delilah! My sweet girl!" He embraced me with a huge bear hug. As a little girl I would stand on his feet and try my hardest to wrap my arms around his waist. Now I had his long arms and stood just under his chin. My dad was a tall man. David and I took more after him than we did our mom. We had his long slender figure, his rounded features, David had his tan complexion but we both had my mom's ringlet blonde curls and her icy blue eyes.

"So, you're back until next Friday?"

"Yup! You have to tell me about your first day of Junior year. I'm sorry I missed it." With one of my arms still locked around his waist he guided me to the kitchen.

"It's okay. I know you were working hard." I climbed onto the stool by the kitchen counter. I felt nine again. Dad grabbed the tray of brownies that were on the countertop. I always made these the night before he returned from a trip. We split them over a pint of ice cream, it was tradition.

"Well tell me about your first day. Did David go easy on you? I know they always do that Senior prank."

"He didn't! Oh my gosh daddy it was awful, I had glitter and silly string in my hair. It took me so long to get it out. He even went after Ada!" I explained to him while he emptied the ice cream onto the warm brownies. We both took a spoon and dug in.

"Well I told him to go easy on you, but you know your brother, he never listens to me."

"Oh, I know!" I rolled my eyes. David never listened to anyone, but he was also rarely punished. When my parents sent him away for soccer camp that was the first time I had seen them discipline him. Even then it wasn't much of a punishment, they literally sent him to a soccer freaking California! Either way my parents were gone so much that he pretty much got away with anything. If they only knew the stories I knew.

"Well what about classes? Do you and Ada have any classes together?" Dad inquired.

"Yes, but just two! Science and Math." I took a small bite of brownie, the gooey treat melted in my mouth.

"Well that's better than none, right?"

"Yeah I think this year will be great and I feel confident about my classes. I think A's will be a no brainer." I bragged while pushing the dessert around my plate.

"Well I'm glad to hear that and I'm glad you're excited for this year. Ya know this is a more relaxed year. Next year you'll have to strap in and think about college and graduation." His tone was changing. Please not a speech not another speech!

"I know Dad. I know."

"Well, just keep it in mind. But have fun this year okay?" My dad flashed me a quick smile, he had these dimples on the corner of his mouth, David had the same ones.

"Okay." I rolled my eyes.

"I've got to get ready though. Your mom is wanting to have dinner with the Merits tonight." He said quickly taking another bite of brownie. "Love you bug."

"Love you too Dad." Just like that he was off again.

I took a few more bites of brownie and then decided to head up to my room. I had finished all of my homework at school today, so I didn't have much to do tonight. I scrolled through my phone looking for signs of outer communication but nothing. I scrolled through my contacts and landed on Nolan. I hadn't spoken to him since I left his house the other night, which felt odd.

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