December| Chapter 28| David

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We returned to the cabin from dinner. It was terrible. I just had to sit there like everything was okay. Everyone pretended everything was okay and that we were some happy fucking family. It was miserable. I was so happy when we pulled up to the cabin. I was going to run up to Ada's room and give her the biggest kiss and fall asleep by her side. When I walked up to the door Jane surprised me by swinging it open.

"Ada's gone!" Her eyes were wide with terror.

"What?" I froze.

"Jane, what do you mean she's gone?" My mom asked.

"I don't know." She started crying "We just...we got in a fight and she just walked out." 

"What!" I yelled. "You just-"

"David honey." My mom placed her hand on my chest calming me. She looked at me in my eyes. "Why don't you go into town and see if you can find her. You know this place better than any of us. We'll stay here with Jane in case she comes back home."

"Okay." I said. I walked down the stairs; my breathing was so heavy.

"David, wait I'm coming with you!" Delilah yelled behind me.

I spun around. "Delilah stay the fuck here!" I growled. This shocked her.

"Delilah, honey, stay here. I don't want you out in this weather." My dad spoke up. Was this my parent's way of letting me know they were okay with Ada and me? The last I had told my mom was before we left for the trip. I didn't give her all of the details but she knew enough to know that Ada and I weren't together.


"Delilah, in the house now!" My dad demanded.

I started my car turning on the windshield wipers to push what snow had built up. God it was so cold, and it was snowing so heavy. Much heavier than the night before. The wind was bone chilling. I pulled out of the driveway and took my time as I scanned the road for any signs of her. My head was racing with so many possibilities. Where was my girl? Was she going to be okay? Please let her be safe, please! I pulled out my phone and called her. It rang and rang, she never answered. Shit Ada! I kept a steady pace trying to stay calm. Where is she where in the hell would she have gone to? When I got into town, I saw the ice rink. It was too late though they were already closed. I looked in the windows of different restaurants, those were closing now too. Then it hit me. I hit the gas pedal. A few minutes later I rounded the corner and saw the neon flashing light. I pulled into the parking lot and jumped out of the car. I ran up to the bar and pulled the door open so fast. I saw her across the bar. There she sat by herself. She looked so sad with her head hung low. She downed a shot and chased it with a beer. Why did I bring her here last night? I took a deep breath to calm myself. I pulled out my phone and texted my mom.

Found her, at the bar. Will be a little bit. Try to get Jane asleep before I get her home.

I knew my mom would cover for me. I walked over to Ada; she must have seen me from the corner of her eyes because she jerked her head up. My girl, I should have never left your side. I sat down beside her and grabbed her hand.

"You okay my love?" I asked her. She shook her head no and leaned on my shoulder. I wrapped my arm around her.

"Why do parents suck so bad?" She whined.

"They really do, don't they?" I laughed.

"Hey David, you want your usual?" The bartender asked.

"Actually I-"

"Yes, he does! I'll have his usual too." Ada chimed in.

"I'm driving tonight but thanks man." I turned to Ada. "Ada you don't even know what that is!" I shook my head.

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