August| Chapter 1| Ada

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"Ada! Ada! Wake up!" I felt Delilah's hand as her boney fingers jabbed into my side.

 "Nooooo." I mumbled, squeezing my eyes shut. It's too early for this much excitement.

 "Come on! It's the last day of summer!" Delilah's voice only grew louder the longer my eyes stayed shut.

"Fine! Fine, I'll get up." I swatted her away as my eyes fluttered open.

"Finally! You sleep more than anyone I know!" She jumped out of bed and skipped to her closet.

"I mean it is summer." I scoffed as I rubbed the sleep from my eyes.

"Yeah, yeah. So, I say we get some morning pick me ups then spend the rest of the day in the pool." Delilah exclaimed as she pulled clothes off of the hangers trying to select an outfit. 

"Okay, yeah that's fine with me." I sat up and threw the covers off of me.

"I think a Starbucks run would do you good at this point!" Delilah laughed.

"Okay let me get out of this bed first." I stumbled into the bathroom and washed my face. Delilah followed right behind me and we took turns brushing our teeth.

There we stood side by side, the total opposite of one another. Delilah stood much taller than me with long curly blonde hair and bright blue eyes. Her skin was pale and covered in freckles. I stood by her side shorter with long wavy black hair that framed my almond brown eyes. My skin was more sun kissed and even more so from the summer and the time I had spent outside.

We walked back into her room, each grabbing our clothes.

"I'm putting on my swimsuit. I'm going straight for the pool when we get back!" Delilah yelled from her closet.

I took my clothes into the bathroom and changed into my swimsuit. I threw on my old Sublime t-shirt, my favorite pair of jean shorts and stepped into a pair of my worn out Keds. "Ready!" I said as I opened the door. I was never one to put too much effort into getting ready.

"Okay, meet me downstairs! I'll be ready in a second." Delilah yelled from the other side of her closet door. She, on the other hand, always put so much effort into getting ready. I guess this is probably why the guys always looked right past me and right at her.

"Okay." I swung open Delilah's bedroom door and came face to face with David. David was Delilah's older brother by one year. You could tell the two were related. Although David was much taller than me and Delilah. He had shaggy curly blonde hair and his eyes were more of an ocean blue. Side note his body was freaking ripped from playing soccer. I tried to divert my eyes, but the female in me found it hard to look away, this was something I noticed about David the older we got.

"Well, well if it isn't little Ada Clark." He smirked.

"So, you're back? How sad." I crossed my arms and smirked right back at him.

David's dad had shipped him off for the summer to the west coast. His parents, Terrance and Camille, said it was because David had been invited to attend an exclusive soccer camp. Which, he did attend the soccer camp, but Delilah and I both had a feeling it was more likely due to the fact that David was out at all hours of the night. Either attending party after party or throwing his own while his parents were out of town. But no one in the Campbell family spoke of it the entire time he was gone. It was pretty weird actually. David also had a temper on him. Rumors at school swirled around about how David was always getting into fights at parties, knowing David the fights probably centered around girls. Delilah and I would see the evidence of these fights when he would return home all beaten and battered.

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