December| Chapter 21| Ada

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It had been four weeks since I had talked to David. I successfully avoided him at school. I was able to convince Delilah to come to my house when she insisted on hanging out. Which I avoided as well. She was only a reminder of him. I took on extra time with my trainer and spent two hours at the gym instead of the one hour I usually did. But I was dreading what was coming next. Christmas break. Since our parents were oblivious to everything, we were still going through with the cabin rental. I tried my very hardest not to think about this. When I did it overwhelmed me to the point of becoming physically sick. Which by the way I was down fifteen more pounds. My mom chalked it up to the extra time I had taken on with my trainer and said I was looking great. I just let her believe it wall all intentional.

"Alright Ada, here is the last of your clothes." My mom carried a laundry basket full of freshly washed clothing into my room.

"Thank you." I said as I took it from her.

"Remember to pack your gloves and hats." She reminded me.

"Okay, okay. I'm almost finished. I'll pack my toiletries in the morning before we go." I folded a few pair of jeans into my suitcase.

"Sweetie, are you doing okay? You've been quiet since your dad-"

"I know I'm sorry. Just swamped with school and just..." What lie could I tell? "Just trying to process it all."

"Okay, well If you need to talk, I'm here." She rubbed my back.

"I know." I flashed a fake smile and returned to my packing.

I felt like I was packing for my own funeral. David really would be the death of me. For the past four weeks his words played in my mind like a broken record. Cutting deeper and deeper into me each time I recounted everything. I tossed and turned that night, I wasn't even sure why I had bothered to try and get any sleep. It wouldn't come.

I woke up the next morning to my phone ringing.

"Adaaaaaaaa! Wake up!!!!!" Delilah squealed from the other line. 

"Nooooo!" I sighed.

"Come on! You guys should already be here! Oh my god this is going to be so fun!!" I imagined her jumping up and down around her room, knowing Delilah that is probably exactly what she was doing.

"I know, I know. I think mom said we're leaving at like 9." I stayed in my warm bed as long as I could.

"Okay, fine! Also, I'll have a coffee here for you and I made us muffins for the road!" She was too happy for eight in the morning.

"Okay Delilah, I'll see ya soon."

I rolled out of bed and threw on sweatpants a sweatshirt and my Ugg boots. I didn't even try to do anything with my face or hair. Honestly, I just didn't give a shit. I threw the rest of my toiletries in my suitcase and wheeled it downstairs. Of course, my mom had been up for hours. She looked like perfection. Her hair pulled into a tight ponytail; her makeup applied perfectly.

"Wow." Her eyes rounded as I walked into the kitchen.

"Good morning to you too." I said sarcastically. "I'm ready."

"Ada, honey. Are you sure-"

"Mom, can we please just go?" I sighed.

"Okay, okay." She finished her coffee and grabbed her car keys.

I followed her out the door and to the car. I chucked my suitcase in the trunk and melted into the passenger seat. I tried to close my eyes hoping for sleep to come, but I was still restless. Last night I had only about 2 hours. You could tell by the dark circles that surrounded my eyes.

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