September| Chapter 7| Ada

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After class I headed to the office to grab a few forms I needed since I would be leaving the school in the middle of the day to train. As I walked into the office I stood in line with a few other students. All of were just as anxious as the other to leave.

"Hey." I turned around as I heard the familiar voice.

"Oh hey." I smiled at Conner.

"So whatcha in for?" He inquired as his eyes raced around the room. It's like he could never focus just on one thing.

"Oh just getting some forms. I'm doing an out of class study." I nodded my head. An idea hit me all of a sudden.

"Oh cool, cool." He looked around.

"So uhm, this is-" I could feel my nerves building but I wanted to make my move. "I-"

A girl wearing the worlds tightest jeans approached us, good lord why does she have on so much makeup? "Hey babe." She wrapped her arm around Conner. Of course.

"Hey." He replied as he threw his arm around her shoulder. "Oh Ada, this is my girl, Madison."

"Hey, nice to meet you." I swallowed all of my disappointment and extended my hand. Madison shook my hand quickly and looked back up at Conner. By this time, I realized it was my turn.

"Yeah you too." Madison twirled her bleached blonde hair on her boney little finger.

I grabbed my form as quickly as I could and waved at Conner on my way out. I pushed open the office door and felt a wave of cool air come over me. But it wasn't enough to fight against the heat that was building in my chest. I walked so fast down the hallways I didn't see a single thing I passed. Before I knew it, I was pushing open the double doors and walking outside. Why had I just spent a whole week pining over this guy and not once did I think to ask if he had a girlfriend. Not once did he even mention it! I swear my luck with guys was horrific!

Good lord, don't worry God I'll never show interest in another human ever again! Man screw guys!

I needed this Friday; I needed this weekend. As I continued to walk across the parking lot, I realized that mostly everyone had left at this point aside from a few students and teachers. I climbed into my car and started the engine....tried to start the engine.

Nooooooo! Noooo! I dropped my head against the steering wheel. I took a couple of breaths and tried again.

"Shit!" I slammed my hands against the wheel and let out a huge sigh.


"Fuck!" I jumped scared from the sudden presence outside of my car door. It was David, of course. I pushed open the car door. "David, not now." 


I started to close the door back, but David stopped me. I glared at him.

"Please." I begged.

"Your car won't start again will it?" He knew the answer, the freaking jerk.

"No, it will, I just like to pretend it doesn't so you can come over here and bother me. It worked, great see you at the house!" I pulled the door, but David grabbed it again. "Seriously?" 

"Seriously, come on get out." He didn't look fazed by my sarcasm.


"Get out, I'll take you home. You're staying at my place tonight, right?"

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