Prologue/Chapter 1

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Musutafu, Japan 10:30 am



That was the word Izuku heard as he, his parents and his sister went to see the quirk specialist. he tuned in after the repeated calls of his mother, only now realising that he was being distant; The doctor looked at him with a passive face but eyes that stilled had more to give. His father spared a glance at Izuku, (not that Izuku could notice) but Toshnori had a look of brief resent that even he wasn't sure how it happened.

Dr. Garaki: "Well, on a different note, your daughter seems to have a quirk. To put it into context, what is your Quirk Mrs Yagi?"

Inko: " To put it simply, My quirk is called Esper. just an advanced version of an A. rank telekinisis quirk." she said as she looked towards her children and saw her daughter's excitement expanding the more she elaborated. She also took a mental note to check on Izuku in the near future "My husband over here has a stockpiling quirk, does that have any influence on her quirk?"

Dr. Garaki: " As a matter of fact it does. Your daughters quirk is called Physical Esper, It allows her to move things telekinetic-ally,like yours,while enabling her to increase her physical abilities through stored up kinetic energy. However, the only draw back is that it is weaker than yours by quite a bit but could potentially be stronger than yours in due time." he said this while a maintaining a Cheshire-like grin on his face confusing the small family.

Toshinori: "....Well, you heard the man, you've got a powerful quirk. So you know what that means..." he said this with an ever-growing smile while not even sparing a glance at his step-son.

Izuna: " I can be a hero!!" she shouted as Izuku watched sombrely as his father smiled, chuckled and laughed fondly at his daughter's quirk revelation. The feeling he got was one of longing, is it true that fathers loved their daughter's more than sons? Well Izuku certainly believed that now. Inko, on the other hand, noticed the look in Izuku's eyes and her maternal instincts screamed at her to comfort him afterwards.

Toshinori: "If there is anything you would like to inform us of,  we will be waiting outside seeing that the meeting is almost over." he said standing up while carrying his sister on one of his shoulders. 

As he watched his father walk through the door with his sister in tow, his mind began to spiral uncontrollably. His sister had a quirk, so why couldn't he? If he doesn't have a quirk what will Kacchan think of him, would they still be friends? Or would he leave him like the other kids had despite only being at the ages of 5-6. He was brought out of his train of thought by the sudden closing of a door that he soon realised was his father exiting the room without even bothering to speak to him.

Inko: "You said before there was something you had to say, and had to wait until my husband was out of earshot. What was it?" she asked kindly, as the doctor himself shuffled in his seat; all the while fumbling around with the files on his desk searching for something, he let out a quick 'there it is' as he turned to face the two. Izuku visibly brightened up as the doctor gave a nod and smile to Izuku before clearing his throat to speak.

Dr. Garaki: "To be honest, I was completely shocked when I came across this revelation and checked multiple times to clarify, and sure enough, I was right." he said this as the look in Izuku's eyes became hopeful "Mrs Yagi, have you heard of the term adept?" as he said this the atmosphere in the room changed into a heavy one as the man and Izuku confronted each other in a stare off, but was soon dispelled when the latter of the two began a stream of incoherent mumbling about the word in question.

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