Chapter 18: Somebody else knows

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Third Person's POV

Jennie approached Hani and talked to her about the thing she wanted to tell her together with Lisa.

"Unnie, promise me.. you will keep this from anyone. We will tell our squad first but, one by one. Lisa and I decided to tell you this first since you're our leader. This should stay as secret for now."

"Jennie, you're scaring me. What is it?"

"Just promise me."

"Promise. Whatever this is, you can trust me."

"Come here. Lisa is waiting for us."

Jennie walks to the cave and Hani followed.


"Hey.. did someone see you?" Lisa asked when she sees Jennie.

"No.. Hani unnie."

"What is it?" Hani asked as she walks inside.

"Unnie, look at this."

Lisa opened the box and showed it to Hani. The older looked at them confusedly.

"So, to start with.. I've found this same serum back in our previous base and we brought it to her mother to examine it." Lisa explained and pointed to Jennie.

"Unnie, this is the virus that's spreading all throughout the city. We've finished the examination secretly and all the elements containing the virus are all in this serum. I've found this few weeks ago." she elaborated.

Hani gasped and covered her mouth. She massages her temple and walks back and forth. She turned and grabbed the vial from Lisa's hand.

"I got a hunch that the sudden outbreak in our base was because of this. A man.. I saw him pushing a cart with all the boxes containing this. Remember the facility we got trapped in when the team split up? The boxes has the same signs on it."

"Jen.. Lisa.. t-this.."

"Unnie, no one has to know. We don't know how those boxes got in our base and here."

"If our hunches are right, about why these boxes are here.. we are.. all of us.. are in big trouble."

"B-But the Central.." Hani is already panting.

"We can't trust the Central, unnie." Jennie mutters.

"For now, only the four of us knows about this vials. You, Lisa and I, and my mother. We are still figuring everything out."

"Wait wait. Oh my ghad." Hani muttered as she waves her hands everywhere in front of the girls.

She steps backwards while massaging her temple and sat on the ground, leaning her back on the wall. Jennie approached her and sat beside her, while Lisa kept the box again.

"Then why are we here? What are we doing exactly?" Hani asked in confusion.

Jennie sighed deeply and shook her head.

"No one knows, unnie."

"My parents are in the quarantine area, do you think they would be in danger too?" Hani asked in shaky voice.

Lisa sat beside Hani too. Both her and Jennie holds Hani's hands. The older looked at Jennie then Lisa and exhaled sharply.

"What should we do?" she asked again.

"Do you think.. we could trust Moonbyul unnie about this?" Jennie mumbles.


"Lisa.. we need to do something and you know that."

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