Chapter 7: Comparison

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I can't stop glancing at him even after few days. And it hurts seeing him.. with her. But every time I do, there's someone who keeps on blocking them by looking at me, smiling at me like an idiot every time she sees me looking at them. My ever-so-loving best friend.

Despite of the grief for her father's death, she tries to make me smile.. laugh, almost everything just to make me feel better. I appreciate that.. I really do. But it's just so hard to even smile after what happened.

But here's the thing. Every time we go in this cave to give Chaeyoung a shot of that transparent serum the medical group created for slowing down the virus, I would catch them giggling at each other. I always say that I will follow them so she and Chaeng will go at the place first before me. And whenever I follow, I will stop outside for a while just to listen to them chatting and giggling.

Just like now. I'm just sitting on a small rock, listening to them. This happened the first time we sent Chaeyoung here to have her wound treated. I didn't show myself when I heard them talking that day. Lisa, confessing how she got a big crush on Chaeng. Funny thing about it.. is that, I didn't know about that. Lisa never told me that even before.

I stood up when I heard Lisa mentioned my name, saying I'm taking longer. I wiped the dirt on my pants and walks inside.

"Yo. What did your mother say?" Lisa asks upon seeing me.

"She just asked me how she is and I told her that she's having fever. She said, she needs two shots a week for it. So, this is the first. I'll do the next the day after tomorrow." I replied as I approached Chaeyoung.

We can't even let her wear a sando or shirt because it's too risky that the others might see her bandage. She's always wearing her sweat shirt. I helped her pulled the sleeves up and started tying a rubber band around her arm before injecting her the serum.

"How about the serum? The other serum." Lisa asks again.

"She's still examining it. It's taking too long because she needs to do it secretly, just as what we told her."

She just nodded and looked at Chaeyoung. She chuckled and grabbed a leaf from Chaeyoung's food and ate it.

"Yah.. stop eating my food!" Chaeyoung mutters.

"It's just one. I wanted to taste it. And it's not bad. How can you eat just that, Chaeng? Don't you like meat? The squirrels the other day was awesome!" Lisa said cheerfully.

"Duh. I'm vegetarian and you know that." Chaeyoung replied while raising her brow.

"Yeah.. that's boring."


"HAHA! I'm just kidding.." she giggled.

I collected the syringe again and put it inside its small container. Then pulled down Chaeng's sleeves again. Then they started teasing each other again when we stood up and gets out of this place. I can't help but to giggle while watching them tease each other. I haven't seen Lisa like that for a while and I'm glad Chaeyoung can do that to her. I got surprised when Chaeyoung suddenly smacked Lisa's head and both of them laughed out loud.

I've never done that to her. I mean, I hit her shoulders playfully. But not on the head. Lisa turned to me when she noticed I was left behind and waited for me.

"You're letting her smack your head like that?" I mutter with low voice. She just chuckled and looked at Chaeng.

"It's okay. It's not that hard actually. And I feel light talking to her these days." she said while watching Chaeng talk with the others as we walk closer.

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