Chapter 48: Commander-in-chief

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Third Person's POV

Jennie, Lisa and Irene are sleeping peacefully until the morning comes. Mr. Kim dashed in their tent waking them up and looks in panicked.

"Girls.. wake up! We need to hide!" he scowled in low voice.

Lisa looks at Jennie and they quickly got up and so did Irene. The three of them looked at each other and immediately wears their caps and masks.

Mr. Kim immediately guided them in Lily's office where Mrs. Kim met them.

"What's happening?" Jennie asked.

"The nurse alerted me a while ago. There's a surprise inspection right now. I don't know if it's the Central but we need to hide. Go to the restroom, girls. Your dad and I will handle the situation."

"Mom, how about you? The Central knows you escaped as well."

"We will be fine. Just go.. quick. Keep the light off."

"Mom— Ruby Jane, just listen to me and hide!" Her mother retorted at her.

Lisa holds her wrist and they immediately went inside the restroom. The three of them don't know what to do and sneaks themselves inside. Jennie can't help it and leans her ear on the door to listen.

"Mr. President?"

Jennie gasped and looks at the girls. Apparently, Lisa and Irene heard it too and their covering their mouths in surprised.

"I needed to visit here. How's everything going, doctors?" the president asks.

"Everything is under control. The Alert Red is currently being eradicated." Mr. Kim replied.

"I visited that part earlier and it's already worse. Especially outside. There are a lot of hosts around our city."

"Mr. President, you should go back quickly. This place is dangerous." Mr. Kim said again.

"I've had a meeting with some other officials from other countries. We've been communicating constantly since the first wave. They wanted our city to be eradicated at once."

"No.." Jennie whispered inside the rest room.

"The city? Mr. President, you know there are a lot of innocent people here. We can't just do that. The hosts are the only problem."

"I've heard about the Central. Who manages that group?"

Jennie looked at Lisa.

"The president doesn't know about the Central?" Lisa questioned in silent.

"You don't know about the Central?" Mrs. Kim asks and looks at the leader intently.

"I wouldn't be asking if I know about it."

"The Central says they are working under the supervision of the government, sir." Mr. Kim told him.

"I know nothing about that group. If the government is responsible for that, I should've known already." The president opposed.

Mrs. Kim looked at her husband and gazed at the restroom.

"Mr. President, the Central is responsible for all of this. They've created the virus."

"What?! Where are they located? We need to act as soon as possible! I can't let them ruin my city, my country!"

"Do you think we could trust him?" Irene whispered inside the restroom.

Jennie and Lisa looked at her.

"The other officials are planning to bomb our city all at once."

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