Chapter 12

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Hinata's POV

We were having dinner with Pedro now.

"Daddy, when will we go back to grandma's house?" Miwato asked.

"2 months more and we can go back to grandma's house."

"Pedro-san, will you also go to grandma's house?" Miyouko innocently asked.


(A/N: All the italicize words now are in Portuguese. Thank you!)


The kids now can communicate in Portuguese comfortably. I think its because Pedro teaches them when he has time and they watch One Piece and My Hero Academia that is dubbed in Portuguese. Pedro also know some Japanese because he learns them while watching animes and reading mangas.

When we go back to Japan, they will start their kindergarten in Tokyo, I'll tell the details later.

"Pedro? Do you like daddy?"

"Are you an alpha?"

"Will you be our other daddy?"


"What are you asking?! Please don't mind them Pedro." I was embarrassed.

"Nah. It's fine." he was similing now.

Pedro is a good friend, at first, he's distant maybe bescause we're foreigners.

After like a month, he greeted us 'welcome home' in Japanese. I was so shocked but we became friends after that.


"Ninja Shouyou!" Santana said. Santana is my pair at the Beach Volleyball Tournament.

Here in Rio, I've been called Ninja Shouyou because they wouldn't expect me to appear at some part of the court but little they did know I covered all of that. As the title 'ninja' says, I'm like a ninja during a game.

"Hello there Mitoshi, Miwato, Miyouko! Are you ready to watch your dad at the finals?"

"Yuppppp!!" they were bouncing and shouting 'daddy.'

"Let's go Ninja!"

We reached finals and this will also be my last official match here because we will go back to Japan next month.

Santos and Calvarho pair is an expert at this field. We started the match and we are in the good side or what they call against the wind. After we reach 8 points we switch with the other pair.

We won the first set and they got back the second set.


My triplets are cheering on me, what can I do but give it my all?

The score now is 13-14 in favor of Santos/ Calvarho pair. One more point and they win but we shouldn't give up because Santana's proposal to his girlfriend is in the line.

Santos jumps and spikes the ball, we thought that ot will be outside the line but the wind kill its speed and ended up inside. We lost but it's fulfulling.

"Beach Volleyball is Crazy."

When Santana heard it he laughs.

"Awwwww... you lost daddy but your still cool!"  Miyoshi and Miwato said in unison.

"D-Daddy you lost... but your cool." Miyouko is pouting and now he's crying, Miyouko easily cries but he's a strong kid.

"It's okay! Don't cry okay? Daddy will be sad when you do it stop crying."

I carried him and patted his back.

"Promise? If I don't cry you will not be s-sad?"


"O-okay daddy. I love you."


Even though I lost I'm still happy.


"Me too."

Miwato is the loudest out of the three.

Santana laughs at their cuteness even though he couldn't understand what they said and Nice, Santana's girlfriend, approached us.

Santana was acting awkward when his girlfriend said, "You didn't say to Hinata that when you win this match you'll propose, right?"


How did she know?! Actually, when we win, Santana will take this opportunity to propose to Nice.

Is she a psychic?!

"Will you marry me?" Nice asked Santana.


All the people who heard it, even our opponent for that day was shocked and clapped for the couple.

I forgot to mention that Pedro was also watching the match, he's babysitting these monsters, well sort of.


2 weeks after

Santana was now married to Nice.

I was of course invited in their wedding, I was so happy that I cried.


Today is our last day here in Brazil. We are currently at the airport.

"Did you master Beach Volleyball?" the person who helps me to join here in Barzil asked, the person who's also the friend of Washijo-sensei, the coach of Shiratotizawa.

"Not in the slightest!" he laughed and bid his farewell to the kids and me.

"Thank you so much Hinata especially for the autograph of Kodzuken!" he was crying and he hugged me so tightly that I can't even breathe.

"No problem!"

"Goodbye monsters."

"We are handsome monsters!" Miwato said grinning.

Pedro hugged the triplets and so as Santana and Nice.

Once we are finished with our farewells, I said,


They mimicked me and also said, "AZASHITA!"

"AZASHITA!" Miwato also said after them.

"Azashita." Mitoshi said.

"A-Azashitaaaaaa... ahhhhh." Miyouko started crying and everyone their comforted him but after he's done with crying I noticed that even Miwato and Mitoshi are in the verge of tears.

"Come on, it's okay." when I said that they cried in unison.

Miyouko stopped crying and stared at the other two who's now affected by his crying earlier.

"Awwww... we will miss you so much."

After a while, they stopped crying and we're now boarding the plane with the three having puffy eyes.

I already decided what I wanted, I will audition for the MSBY Black Jackal.

I will go to them and see where it takes me.




So, hello!

I know that I use the word after a lot. I'm also stressing at that one. laughs nervously.

But anyway! Azashita (from the Haikyuu!! manga) means a casual formal thanks.

That's all.

I'm wishing that the triplets will have a daddy soon.


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