Chapter 5

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Hinata's POV

After that night, it's hard to approach Ushijima-san beacuse I'm remembering the night he kissed me.

We will only interact a little and when I asked something that is related to volleyball.

Now, we were at the last day of the camp. I'm currently cleaning the other side of the court while the others are picking up the ball. After I cleaned my assigned side I went at the gym's storage room to put back the rag. Inside the room I saw Tendou-san and Ushijima-san speaking, I didn't hear anything because as soon as they saw me they stopped speaking. Tendou-san leaves immediately.


I glanced at him.

"Are you free tonight?"

"N-No, I'm sorry."

He didn't expect me to turn down his invitation. It created again another awkward atmosphere.

"I'm going now. Thank you for the hard work," I bowed. Before I passed through him he grabbed my arm causing me to stop at my tracks.

"Do you need something?" I tried to smile and be as polite as I can.

"Y-Your stomach."



"What about it?" I tried to talk as if he's saying something weird.

"Are you by any chance..." the suspense was killing me.

"Are you by any chance... bloated?"

I stared at him not knowing what to say. I don't know if I should be happy or mad. Fuck, Kageyama and him are at the same level! Not that I'm particularly smart though.

"I'm bloated? Pffft..." I tried so hard not to laugh but at the end I laughed so hard that breathing is starting to be hard.

He looked at me asking why I'm laughing. Maybe he's really serious about his questions.

"Yeah, m-maybe I'm bloated." I was now catching up with my breath.

"If you're not hungry then it's fine. My beef teriyaki will just be for tomorrow's breakfast." He mumbled the last sentence but I still understand it.

Beef teriyaki? *gulps*

Witht he image of beef teriyaki, I now want one. I looked at him and come up with a decision to eat with him.


"Okay what?"

"I'm famished."

"Oh. Okay." then he smiled a bit. Gosh. It's my first time seeing his smile.


We're now at Ushijima-san's apartment. Yup, apartment.

He told me that he has a dormitory and also an apartment in case he want peace during their rest day.

His apartment is quite big for a student, a kitchen, dining table, living room, comfort and bathroom, and if I guess it right a massive bedroom.

There's nothing really interesting to see at his apartment besides the volleyball catalogs and a lot of balls

"Wait here for a bit. You can turn on the television while I prepare our food."


I turned on the televison and find the channel for sports.

15 minutes has passed when Ushijima-san called my attention.

"Do you want to eat at the dining room or here?"

"Uhm... can we eat here?" I bat my eye and wished that it came up as cute as I imagined.

He chuckled then agreed.

He served me with a lot of rice and there is a bowl full of beef teriyaki. My mouth was watering already. We give thanked for the food and we dig in.

We started to warm up to each other by asking and answering trivial questions and the awkwardness was gone overtime.

"Hinata, you really have a big stomach."

"Ha ha ha." I laughed nervously.

"It's like this since I was a kid."

"So, you are always bloated?"

I nodded, doesn't have the time to laugh because of my nervousness. He may be dense but maybe he can catch up if something's going on.

I was staring to hate my self with all th fat lie.

There is a moment of silence before he speak again.

"There is rice on your cheeks."


I embarrassed myself again. Ugh. I was about to remove the rice but Ushijima-san was quick to remove it using his thumb. I was intently staring at him and then, he ate the rice in his thumb!

My heart was starting to beat like crazy. I looked at him then lick and bit my lip. His eyes turned a shade darker. He's leaning towards me and immediately after I shut my eyes close expecting something to happen.

Disappointment never came. I felt his lips in mine then it moved slowly. He licked my lower lip like asking for permission. I parted my lips a bit then his tongue was already inside my mouth.


When he was already sucking my tongue, he holds me closer to him until I was sitting at his lap. The kiss lasted for a few minutes when his lips started to get lower. He first kissed my chin then bite it gently. He's now at my neck, kissing, licking, nibbling, and finding its sensitive spots.

As he was sucking my adams apple. I arch my back beacuse his hand was already inside my shirt tracing my spine back and forth.

"Ahhh... uhmm..."

I was moaning with the intense pleasure he's giving me.

He stopped sucking my neck then gives me a light kiss in the lips. His hands are still inside my shirt.

I hid my face at his neck and I feel my face heating up.


"Hmmm?" I felt the vibration of my voice at his neck.

"Something is kicking me."


It's your children!

"Uhm really? Maybe it's your imagination? Haha."

Realizing that what we did was infidelity towards Tendou-san. Guilt was eating me. I stand up causing Ushijima-san to retrieve his left hand inside my shirt then approached the door.

"Good night Ushijima-san and thank you for the food." I didn't know what to feel at the moment. I was happy and disappointed again.

I was about to close the door when his question caught me off guard.

"Wait! Can you consider dating me?"

Wait, what?!



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