Chapter 48

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Hinata's POV

It's been 6 weeks since my last check-up and I'm half-way through my pregnancy.

The bump is not that big but the three loves it when they see it. They also like to rub my belly and they made sure to say good morning and good night to their sibling.

And it is also confirmed that I'm only carrying one child.

I don't know if I should feel happy that I'm only carrying one but Ushijima-san said that it's okay even if I'm carrying 1 or 3, it doesn't really matter. I'm feeling a bit skeptical when I learned about my pregnancy because what if they're also triplets but right now, I don't really know how to feel.

(A/N: You just want more child you hoe 🙄 jk 😂)


Natsu said leaping towards me and  she's obviously so happy. Natsu wants to spend her weekend here, that's why she got at the last bullet train and Ushijima-san is the one who picked her up last night.

"What is it?"

"Gender reveal party plus baby shower! It's a great idea right?!" she's gently shaking me.

"Woah! Calm down." I said laughing.

"Please agree to it! Wakatoshi nii-san already agreed." she made a peace sign and grinned.

When did she asked him? We didn't hold a gender reveal party for the triplets because I really want it as a surprise. About the baby shower, we held a small party and the only guests are my teammates, coach, and sensei.

"Please?" she clasped her hands and looked at me.


"Yes! I'll go with you during your check-up and tell the doctor to put the gender in an envelope! No one will see it but the chosen organizer of the party." she looks so happy.

"Nii-chan let's go to the hospital."


As soon as we arrived at the hospital, Ushijima-san is there waiting for us.

"He agreed Wakatoshi nii-san." Natsu said and Ushijima-san nodded.

"The kids?" I asked.

"They're waiting for us." he smiled and hold my hand.

We went to Mitoshi's room and saw them playing.

"Daddy!" Miwato said leaping.

"Hello baby sister!" he said and rubbed my stomach and Miyouko just frowned.

"It's a boy."

"Nah. I can feel it." Miwato said in defense.

"Stop that." I said giggling.

After they said 'hello' to their youngest, I went beside Ushijima-san who's currently peeling t

I just stared at him when I felt a movement. I became stiff and looked at Ushijima-san with wide eyes.

"What happened?! Are you alright?!" he's panicking but I slowly shake my head.


I grabbed his hand and placed it above my stomach. He looked at me curious.

When the baby moved again, he looked at me and gasp.

"It's moving!" he exclaimed and looked at our children.

"Let's go there, shall we?" he asked and I just smiled.

I sat in Mitoshi's bed.

"Put your hands on Daddy's stomach."

Our Child ✓ (Ushijima x Hinata) Haikyuu!!Where stories live. Discover now