Chapter 50

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Hinata's POV

Hello! I'm on my last 2 weeks of pregnancy and we're anticipating the arrival of our unborn baby. We're both excited about this that's why I'm currently admitted on the hospital because of how frantic Ushijima-san is. I told him we can just go here when my water broke but he strongly opposed the idea.


I looked at Miwato who's holding a plastic baseball bat. He's swinging it back and forth.

"Yes?" I answered.

"When will Papa-san be here?" he stopped swinging his toy and looked at my direction.

"Papa-san will be here 2 days from now."

"Hmm... okay," he said and continued playing.

I looked at the other two and they're reading a big picture book. They're both giggling which is super cute.

Miyouko probably felt me staring at them and he looked up. "Why daddy? Are you in pain?"

I shake my head and smiled. "Just continue."

He nodded and went back reading with Mitoshi.

Mitoshi already finished his first 8 cycles and he's responding positively to it.


Two days have passed and Ushijima-san is here with us.

*knock* *knock*

"Yes?" the triplets answered.

The door opened revealing Dr. Gregory. "Hello kids." he waved at them and they waved back.

"How are you feeling Hinata?" he asks.

"I'm fine."

"There's something both of you need to know." he looks excited and nervous at the same time.

"Why?" Ushijima-san asks.

"It's so unique that I'm basically thrilled." he said laughing.

"What?" I'm confused and looked at the doctor weirdly.

"Here." his handing us an envelope.

"It's my fault that I missed it." he said grinning.

"This is the ultrasound we took when you're on your 13th week."

We nodded.

"Can you see this?"

"Yes." my lover's the one who answered.

"I... I'm speculating but... there might be t-two babies."

Ushijima-san and I looked at each other in shock.

What? Possibility of having 2 babies?

"But-" I couldn't formulate my thoughts.

"We need to do another ultrasound right now." Dr. Gregory said.

"S-Sure." Ushijima-san is grinning and he squeezed my hand.

Does he really want more kids?!

Few minutes later, a nurse is preparing the apparatus in my hospital room. Dr. Gregory said that we can had it done here.

"Are you ready?"

"Yeah." both of us answered.

The doctor put the gel on my stomach and started to move the transducer.

After a few minutes, it took longer than the previous ultrasounds, he stopped and looked at us. "I'm ashamed that I missed it."

"Congratulations! You're having twins!" he pats my shoulder.

Our Child ✓ (Ushijima x Hinata) Haikyuu!!Where stories live. Discover now