Chapter 43

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Hinata's POV

It's already December 28 and it's currently 4 in the morning.

"What time will they be here?" I ask Ushijima-san.

"They should be here in two hours."

We're waiting for mom, Natsu, and our team members. They'll help us in setting the place and to distract the triplets.

"Why don't you go back to sleep?"

"I can't sleep." I find it hard to sleep especially when Mitoshi had his first chemo.

"Why don't you rest? You're the one who needs rest the most since you are training for the tournament."

He shake his head and extended his left hand. I don't know what he wants me to do so I just grabbed it.

He pulled me closer and put his head on my shoulder. I heard him sigh.

"A-Are you okay?"

He's mumbling but I can't understand it.


"Nothing. Lend me your shoulder for a bit."


He must be really tired. With his child in the hospital which is physically and mentally draining for a parent and also the intense training which will literally make you tired.

We just stayed in that position for a few minutes, "Why don't we sit down?"

He pulled himself away and stared at me. He smiled a little and nodded.


"Shoyo..." someone's shaking me causing me to groan.


Did I fell asleep?!

"Oh no..." I looked around and saw Ushijima-san beside me. "What time is it?"


"Oh fuck. Where's the kids?"

"They're with Kageyama and Korai and that's when mom and Natsu entered with the decors."

I looked around again and some decorations are already fixed. I stood and ask him where the other's are.

"They're outside, waiting for the food."


I started put the other decorations that are not yet placed. Ushijima-san is the one who's putting the balloons in the ceiling while I'm fixing the "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" in the wall.


"Are you all ready?" I feel nervous because any minute from now the triplets will enter the room with Kageyama and Korai-san.

"You're too tense Hinata!" Atsumu-san said.

Inside the room is me, Ushijima-san, mom, Natsu, Atsumu-san, Bokuto-san, Sakusa-san, Yamaguchi, and Daichi-san. Luckily, Yamaguchi and Daichi are not busy.

Someone knock and open the door, it's Kageyama.

"3... 2... 1..." the door opened revealing the triplets.


The three of them look so happy and their small pretty brown eyes are growing bigger and excitement can be seen.

"THANK YOU!" Miyouko and Miwato said.

"Thank you!" Mitoshi said in a weaker voice.

They went near their cake and when they're set we started singing the birthday song.

Our Child ✓ (Ushijima x Hinata) Haikyuu!!Where stories live. Discover now