A chance to run

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"Well dear, if Bayley need to run, bring her here. There enough room in the garden area for her to run." Trish said. "Mom that would be a great idea and should make sure it's ok with Roman first." Sasha thanked her mom and knocked on Roman door. "Hello Sasha, did you forget something?" Roman asked. "Roman can I bring Bayley back here tonight so she could shift and run in the garden? She looked like she could use it?" Sasha asked. "Bayley could shift without the moon? How long has she been able to do that?" Roman asked. "She been able to shift without the moon for a few years now. I hope it's not a problem!" Sasha asked. "No not all, I'm sure Bayley doesn't want that secret out so I'll
make sure Becky turns the cameras off in that area for an hour. This would make sure no one can come across the film of Bayley." Roman tells Sasha

  Sasha thank Roman and text Bayley she was on her way back to see her. A few second later Sasha was in Bayley room again. Sasha didn't see Bayley in her room so Sasha went and laid on Bayley bed waiting for her to come in. Sasha was just about to fall asleep when Bayley finally walk in with some food and a bottle of blood. Bayley sat down the tray and walked over to the bed. Bayley looks at Sasha sleeping and didn't want to disturb her. Bayley was about to walk back to her desk when Sasha grabbed her arm and pulled her down on the bed. "I thought you were sleeping and didn't want to wake you." Bayley told Sasha. "Well I prefer you to wake me, my love. I will sleep better with your arms around me. How are you doing? I hated leaving you but I didn't want Scot to make a big issue about you." Sasha said while placing kisses on Bayley neck.

"I understand, you still have a job to do and I didn't want to get in your way." Bayley said. "Well I have an offer for you. How would you like to go to SSI and go for a run?" Sasha told Bayley. Bayley had a puzzle looked on her face. "What do you mean go for a run?" Bayley asked. "SSI has a garden area that is big enough for you to shift and run for an hour. No one will be at the building in that area except for Becky. I just thought you needed to shift after your talk with your mother. If you want to go?" Sasha asked Bayley. Bayley had a big smile on her face and asked "when can we go."

20 minutes later they were back at SSI in the garden area. Becky and Trish both greeted Bayley and Sasha. "Becky you will make sure this area is turned off right?" Sasha asked. "Yes lass, as you can see the window blinds are down so to give Bayley privacy. "Thank you Becky, I'm not ready to share that side of my life with everyone." Bayley said. "I understand, how that is and can I ask if it would be ok if I took your sister out?" Becky asked. "It's ok with me, Charlotte is the one that you have to ask." Bayley tells Becky. Becky thanks Bayley with a hug and walks off.

"Mom what are you still doing here?" Sasha asked. "Well if Bayley doesn't mind I would like to see her shift if it's ok with her?" Trish asked. Sasha was going to say something to her mom but all of sudden Sasha heard her mom says, "how beautiful." Bayley couldn't resist and shifted. Than decided to walk up to Trish and Sasha and sat down in front of them wagging her tail. Trish asked Sasha"Do you think I could touch her fur? Look how beautiful her eyes are." Sasha leaned down and whispered "you look so beautiful my love can my mom touch your fur." Bayley shook her head yes. Sasha lead her mom over to Bayley and place her moms hands on Bayley head. "WOW her fur is so soft and look at that color." Trish said. Trish than wrapped her arms around Bayley neck and whispered "go run and have fun, talk to you later dear."

Bayley started to run around and it felt great. This was the best part about being a tiger. The grass and wind running through Bayley fur. Bayley looked to see where Sasha was and seen her seating in the door way of the gazebo. Bayley decided to stalk over to Sasha. Sasha noticed Bayley attention had turned to her and watched her stalk her way over to where she was sitting. Sasha decided to move herself into the gazebo and a minute later Bayley came walking in. Bayley eyes focused on to Sasha, who was sitting in the middle of the gazebo. Bayley gave a low growl and was looking at Sasha as her prey.

Sasha could see that Bayley was stalking her like she was prey and it was turning her own like never before. Soon Bayley was standing in front of Sasha and forcing her to lay back down. Sasha reach up and wrapped her arms around Bayley neck. "I hope you aren't going to tease me? I want to feel you in side me." Sasha said to Bayley. Bayley nuzzled her head into Sasha neck and licked it. Than Bayley moved down Sasha body and pushed up Sasha dress with her noise. Sasha heard Bayley give a low growl and started licking between Sasha folds. Bayley was running her togune of Sasha clit, which was making Sasha moan with pleasure.

  Than Sasha felt something new, Bayley had stuck her tongue deep into Sasha core. Bayley kept going in an out and coukd feel Sasha getting close to hitting her climax. Bayley pickup her tongue speed and soon enough Sasha orgasm hit hard. Bayley kept working her tongue inside Sasha to help her ride out her orgasm. Once Sasha relaxed Bayley shift back to her human self. "Hope you didn't feel like I was teasing you just than?" Bayley asked with a devilish smile on her face.

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