What were you thinking part 2

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"After that I just kept to myself , even though Charlotte tried to get me to go with her again. I was happy when I finally graduated and was going to go college. I still had to deal with the full moon each month so I kept to myself. My mom finally told me that if I die I would be reborn. I only have 8 lives and I have to protect them. She wouldn't tell me than how I died the first time.

Once again I found myself wanting to test what my mom told me and to see what happens. But, something kept me from doing it. Than we got in the car accident and I found out what happens to me and I told myself I would be careful. This is the first time I've cut myself in along time. I was hoping to get what I needed before you came back." Bayley told Sasha.

Sasha had tears running down her face. Again she couldn't believe people would want to hurt Bayley. "Bayley, there are other ways to take your blood. You don't need to cut yourself. You have me and my mom now and I don't want you to do this. I realize how special you are and it's important for you to complete your task. We will do it together, whatever you need I will help you. I want you to be able to talk to me about anything. I get I'm the one that suggested you run test on your blood. But I'm not sure it would be the right move." Sasha said.

Bayley still hadn't turned to face Sasha and wasn't sure if she could get herself to look at her. Bayley didn't want to see the disappointment in Sasha eye. Bayley never liked the look of disappointment in here mom's eyes. That's one of the reason Bayley gave her mom the painting, she could she the disappointment of not getting it. It didn't matter if meant something to Bayley, her mom had away of making her feel bad. That's one reason Bayley took off without anyone knowing so that she didn't have to face her moon.

Sasha didn't like the fact Bayley hasn't turned around "Bayley please look at me! I feel like you are shutting me out! Please tell me what's wrong?" Sasha said. " Bayley took a deep breath and turned around to face Sasha. Bayley didn't want to make eye contact but Sasha wasn't going to have it. Sasha walked up to Bayley and lifted her chin to look into her eyes. It was Bayley turn to be surprise, their wasn't disappointment in Sasha eyes but pure love.

"Your not disappointed in me for my actions?" Bayley asked Sasha. "No, I'm just worried, what if I didn't make it back here and something happen to you. We still don't know what happens each time you die. We still have a lot of work to do to figure all this out. I'm here to help you and we will get through this together." Sasha told Bayley. Sasha reached up to kiss Bayley but Bayley step back. Sasha knew Bayley moved back because she had done it earlier to her. Sasha wasn't going to be denied and wrapped her arms around Bayley neck. "Why do you want to kiss me for? You turned away when I went to kiss your cheek?" Bayley asked.

"I was mad and in the wrong. I didn't mean to hurt you feelings and I kept thinking I could have lost you again. You don't know how it felt for me to see you dead. I felt like my whole world just ended. I know you could be reborn but it didn't matter. Honestly, I feel like I've imprinted on you. When I went to get the food, I didn't want to leave you. Now I know how you feel when I'm away from you." Sasha said.

Bayley just looked at Sasha and leaned into kiss her lips. Sasha return the kiss right away and pulled Bayley as close as she could. Bayley rested her forehead on Sasha forehead, I love you and I won't cut myself again. I don't want you to be mad or disappointed in me." Bayley told Sasha. "Bayley, I won't be disappointed in you, I just don't want you to take risk that aren't needed anymore. You have a better lab and enough resources to help you find this cure." Sasha said.

"Do you need to shift and go for a run for awhile? I set it up with Becky so no one will be by the garden area for at less an hour. I wish I could run with you and experience what you experience. I know in due time I will be able to." Sasha smiled at Bayley "you might not able to shift yet but you could ride on my back. I could hold your weight without any issues, if you want to be with me." Bayley said. Sasha just smiled at Bayley and shook her head yes. Sasha sent a text to Becky stated "that they are heading down and they have something foe her from Charlotte."

Becky replied back, "ok I will see you soon and I was just going to ask you if Charlotte gave you anything for me. She keeps asking me if you guys gave it to me. I told her I haven't seen you guys yet." "Let's go down stairs, your sister keeps asking Becky if we have her the envelope she gave us." Sasha tells Bayley. "Let me turn this stuff off really quick. I don't want to keep the heat on the samples." Bayley said. Sasha grabbed the blood sample and asked Bayley going to with this. Bayley grabbed a bottle of artificial blood and poured her blood into it.

"You can drink it, I know you would prefer this way instead of biting me." Bayley told Sasha. "You are right about that. I do enjoy biting you and feeding off you but I don't want lose control. I think is the safest way. Let go for a run and than we can get to work."Sasha said.

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