A new assignment

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Sasha at the moment didn't want to go to this meeting. She knew she was blowing off work that she usually doesn't do at all. But she feels Bayley is more important than worrying about a commercial right now. Sasha just wanted to take Bayley home and just hold her and help her work through all this. Sasha didn't want to control Bayley life like her family has done over the years. Sasha was pulled out of her thoughts when they reach the floor where Roman office was. Both Sasha and Bayley were quite on the elevator ride up.

Sasha and Bayley both noticed that Sasha mom wasn't at her desk and wasn't sure if she was back to work yet. "Didn't you say your mom only had minor injuries? Shouldn't she be back at work?" Bayley asked. "Yes, she told me that she would see both of us tonight." Sasha said to Bayley. Sasha knocked on Roman door and they heard him say come in. "Hello ladies, how are you two doing today? Bayley how are you feeling after being reborn again?" Roman asked.

"I doing ok, I think I will feel better after the full moon." Bayley tells Roman. "Sasha how are you doing?" Roman asked. "I'm doing ok but I was wondering where my mom at? She said she would be here." Sasha said. "Yes she will be. She wants to see you and Bayley. Bayley I want to thank you for save Trish and I know what it cost you in the end. Trish and Sasha are like family and it would have been a great loss to us all." Roman tells Bayley. "Your welcome." Bayley said.

"Sir, do you know who set off the bomb? Nox said the man was under some kind of mind control? Does this have anything to do with Black and is Bayley still safe to work her?" Sasha asked Roman. "We are thinking that Black was behind this. The man that placed the bomb was a day worker here. Me and Becky think that the bomb was supposed to be setup in the labs but the man they picked to place the bomb got the wrong rooms. What we put together the man panic when her heard your mom and Bayley walking his way. When he ran out that room, I could see Bayley picked up the scent of the bomb and reacted the way she did. Bayley reaction saved your moms life."Roman said.

"This brings me to why I wanted two see you both. Sasha, I have a new assignment for and I'm hoping you will take it. I want to assign you to Bayley! Basically, I want you to be her guard while she is working here. We could move some of your things into Bayley office. You still can look over the market aspect of the business. I would feel better if someone was with her that can teleport her out if necessary. If you don't want to do it I'm sure I can get Becky to pick someone that can watch over her." Roman said.

Sasha couldn't believe she was being asked to stay with Bayley in lab all day. "I would be honored to take up this assignment. As long as Bayley is ok with me being in her lab all day." Sasha said. "You are right Sasha we should ask you Bayley if you are ok with having a guard in your lab?" Roman asked. "I would be more comfortable with Sasha than someone I don't know or trust." Bayley said.

"That's great I'll have Dean and Rollins move the things you want into Bayley office." Roman said. Bayley mind started thinking about her blood and wanted to ask "Sir, not to get off the topic but I was wondering if my blood could be used to find the cure? It seem my blood has healing abilities just like your blood." Bayley said. "You might be on to something but I prefer us to stay away from your blood. It's more to protect you than anyone else. You could be come more of a target if it got out that your blood was a cure. We don't want you to lose any more lives. I don't think your father would want me to risk your life like that." Roman said

"I'm sorry, you said my father wouldn't want you to risk it." Bayley asked. "Yes, you looked so familiar to me and reminded me of an old friend I once had. Than after we worked together the other day you reminded me of him a lot. You need to understand I'm over 500 years old and I've meet a lot of people. But your father stood out to me and his kindness. You definitely have his kindness and would have been a great leader like him."Roman told Bayley.

"Thank you for the kind words. I really hope I make  him proud. I know he would want me to find away to help my mom. I'm willing to try anything to get a cure for everyone." Bayley said. Sasha wasn't to happy that Bayley was willing to take so many risk. Bayley looked at Sasha and was surprised that Sasha gave her a small smile. Bayley thought that Sasha would be happy that She would be willing to try anything to find the cure.

"I do have another question for you Sasha before I let you two go. I would like to know how you and Nox are able to be up before sunset?" Roman asked. Sasha knew she couldn't answer for Nox but she could only answer for herself.  Before she could answer Bayley spoke up "Actually I allowed Sasha to feed off me and it's changed her sleeping habits." "Is this because you imprinted on Sasha?" Roman asked. Bayley did not hold back and answer with confidence "yes, will that change Sasha assignment to be my guard?" "No, I'm aware that you two are an item. Your mom loves Bayley and is happy you two are together. That is one reason I chose Sasha. I'm assuming that Bayley has bitten you as well?" Roman asked

"Yes she has and we got married this morning. I will do everything in my power to protect her." Sasha tells Roman. "I know you will and I would prefer for you to be with her. Will you need a place to do your first transformation?" Roman asked them both. "We haven't found a safe place yet." Bayley tells Roman. "Well the night of the full moon I will give everyone the night off so you two can have some privacy. I know it will be tough on both of you for the first time shift. Please feel free to come talk to me. I want to help both of you" Roman tells them.

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