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Once everything was done in the house Sasha teleport her mom to SSI and than went back to get Bayley. Sasha teleported Bayley to their apartment and waited for her mom to text her. "What do we need to do to get ready for the dinner?" Sasha asked. "We should clean up a little and make sure my dad staff is locked up. I don't want anyone to touch it and my mom will ask for it." Bayley said. "Don't worry about that I have it locked up and I'll lock up are bed room door if you want." Sasha asked. "Thanks, that would make me feel better knowing it's safe. I know I shouldn't worry but that one item I want to keep." Bayley said.

"Don't worry about it, I don't want you to give it up either. My mom just text and I will be right back ok." Sasha tells Bayley. Bayley kissed Sasha on the lips and told her ok. Sasha teleported over of SSI and let herself inside the building. She went straight to her mom office and grabbed the bags of food. "Are we ready to go?" Sasha asked her mom. "Yes this is all the food for tonight and I got a bottle of wine." Trish said. After a few minutes Sasha and Trish teleported back to the apartment. Sasha noticed Bayley had already set the table and cleaned up the living room.

Sasha heard the shower turn on in the bedroom and she decided to join Bayley in the shower. "Mom, I'm going to get cleaned up and will be back out in a little bit." Sasha told her mom. Trish just smiled at Sasha "you two better not be long." Trish said. Sasha just smiled at her mom as she went into her room. Sasha stripped out of her clothes and open the shower door. "Hello beautiful I can I join you?" Sasha asked. "Of course you can. Would you like me to wash your body?" Bayley asked. "Yes that would be great. My mom said we can't be to long. Bayley gives Sasha a devilish smile as she runs her hands up and down Sasha back. Bayley than bent down so she could wash and shave Sasha legs. Bayley moved her hands between Sasha legs and washed hers center and moved to her ass.

Sasha couldn't stop herself from letting out a moan when Bayley washed her private areas. Sasha felt Bayley hands move up her front of her body. "There you go you all cleaned up and ready for dinner" Bayley said kissing Sasha nose. Sasha gave Bayley that look like are you kidding me. "Did I not wash you good enough? Or did I tease you enough to turn you on?" Bayley asked as she moved Sasha against the shower wall. "Do we have time to have a little fun?"Bayley asked. "We can make sometime." Sasha tells Bayley bring her in for a kiss.

Bayley felt Sasha finger between her folds and rubbing her clit. Bayley decided that she can do the same to Sasha as well. Bayley started kissing Sasha to hide the moan sounds she was make and the small growls Bayley was letting out. Both were so close to cumin that they both picked up the pace. Soon both hit their climax and Bayley needed to hold Sasha up with her free arm. "That was great! You know how to make me feel special." Sasha said to Bayley.

They finished getting cleaned up and change for dinner. "Well was the shower good for both of you?" Trish asked with a smile. "It was great!" Bayley said. Sasha just smiled at her mom and continued to make sure everything was ok. Sasha was a little worried that Charlotte and Becky will find out that she pregnant. Sasha wasn't sure Bayley wanted them to know. Sasha notice Bayley was watching her and was about to say something when there was a knock at the door.

Sasha went to answer the door for their guess. "Hello how are you guys doing this evening? Please come in." Sasha tells her guess. Linda and Charlotte both hug Sasha before walking into the apartment. Becky waves at Sasha as she walks in with Charlotte. "Thank you for letting us join you for dinner." Both Becky and Charlotte said. "Your welcome it was no problem." Sasha said. Linda went straight to Bayley and pulled her into a tight hug. "Mom I would like to introduce you to Sasha mother Trish Banks." Bayley said once Linda let her go.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Trish. You have a wonderful daughter." Linda said has she stuck out her hand. "It's pleasure to meet you as well. Thank you Sasha is my world and proud of her. I think Bayley is a wonderful addition to are family as well." Trish replied. Linda just smiled at what Trish had to say. "It's nice to see both of you again." Trish said to Becky and Charlotte. "It's wonderful to see you as well and thank you for letting us have dinner with you." Charlotte replied.

"Well dinner will be ready in about 15 minutes. Please have a seat awhile we wait. Linda how are you feeling today?" Sasha said. "I'm doing better each day and I'm sure Bayley will find the cure. How are you feeling my dear?" Linda asked Sasha. "I'm doing good. Bayley has been wonderful on making sure I'm taken care of." Sasha said. "That's great, are you ready for the full moon?" Linda asked. "Sasha will be ready for the full moon. Here are your drinks." Bayley said. "Thank you dear. Trish what do you do for SSI? If you don't mind me asking." Linda said.

"I don't mind at all. I'm the personal assistant to Roman Reigns. I've been working there for over 20 years." Trish informs Linda. "That is wonderful! You must really like your job." Linda said. "Yes, Roman been really good to me since my husband passed and I get to see Sasha more." Trish said. "I'm sorry to hear about your husband passing and I know how that feels. I lost my first husband when Bayley was a year old." Linda said. The two ladies continue talking while Bayley and Sasha started bring out the food. Charlotte and Becky decided to help.

"Why do I feel you two are hiding something from me." Charlotte said. "Charlotte not everyone has to tell you their secret." Becky tells her. "I know but it would be nice to be kept in the loop about things." Charlotte said. "Charlotte, when we are ready to share any information we will tell you." Bayley said.

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