Planning are next move

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"Is there something I need to know to protect both of you?"Roman asked. "I had a nightmare and in the dream the President took Bayley was beating her. I could hear him tell Bayley he was going to kill her and she won't even able to be reborn." Sasha told everyone in the room. Sasha was shaking and Bayley wrapped her arms around her to calm her down. "Than we over heard Rick tell my sister that he wanted me back at the military lab to work after I finish my work here." Bayley told Roman.

"Well you aren't going anywhere and if we need to assign guards on you two we will. Bayley, I would like to offer you a permitted job here. I was going to offer the job after you completed the assignment. You are as amazing as your father and I would be fool not to offer you a job." Roman said. "Thank you for the job offer and I'm happy to except." Bayley tells Roman.

Sasha was so happy Bayley took the job. "Roman, do you have a listing of houses? I would like to buy Sasha a house so are kids have a backyard. I would like it to be private this is do to the fact the little ones will shift at some point in their lives." Bayley said. Roman smiled at Bayley, "your father would be proud of you. I do have a home that would work great for you and Sasha." Roman told both of them.

"Thank you, please let me know how much it is and I will be happy to buy it from you. I would also like to give you the land my father left me in Mexico.
I'm sure you can find some good use of the land. The only thing I ask is that you don't disturb my father grave." Bayley said.  "Thank you for the offer but I would prefer to make a exchange for the land. I will give you the house for exchange for the land in Mexico. I will make sure the house is secure. Do you agree?" Roman asked.

"I'm sorry Sasha, do you agree with this deal?" Bayley asked. Sasha thought for a moment and would like to have a bigger house to live in. "I think it's a great deal. I think we should take it. Sasha told Bayley. "Roman you have a deal. I will bring the title to the land to you tomorrow night." Bayley said. "That sounds great and I will get everything ready on my end. Sasha please come back here once a week for a checkup. I want keep track of the babies growth." Roman told them.

Sasha and Bayley thank Roman for his help and headed back to their office. Sasha and Bayley didn't say much when walking back to their office. "Bayley, I can't believe you gave up your father land and you got us a house. Are you sure you want to do this?" Sasha asked. "Yes, I'm sure I want to do this. The apartment will be two small to raise the triplets. Plus, the house will be our house. If you want to stay in the apartment we can. I just wanted something that was are's I'm sorry if I went to far." Bayley told Sasha.

Sasha was about to say something to Bayley when Trish walked in. "Sasha, I'm so happy for you and Bayley on this great news. I still can't believe this is happening. I just heard Bayley made a deal with Roman on one of his estates. The house that your trading for is great and very private. Roman already having a team going out there to set up security system for the home and the property. I would love to do the decorating of the inside with you dear." Trish said.

Sasha was trying to wrap head around all this. Bayley just gave up her land for a mini mansion so they could have a home that was their. How special is Bayley, she didn't even think twice about it. Sasha knew the apartment wasn't big enough for 5 of them to live in and than they all will need to shift. "Earth to Sasha, did you hear what I was saying?" Trish asked. "Sorry, I got lost in thought. That is fine, you can help me decorate the house if that's ok with Bayley. It's her home to and I want it to feel like her home too." Sasha said.

Sasha noticed Bayley didn't even smile about making the house feel like hers as well. Sasha could tell Bayley wasn't happy with her not being excited about the house. "Bayley, are you ok with me helping Sasha decorating the house?" Trish asked. Bayley walked over to Trish and kissed her on the cheek. "Knock yourself out and enjoy spending time with your daughter." Bayley said. Trish pulled Bayley into a hug and whispered thank you.

Sasha noticed Bayley still didn't make eye contact with her. Sasha noticed Bayley went back looking at her notes. "Sasha, when do you want to start decorating the house?" Trish asked. "Mom we haven't even seen the house yet. I need to see it to get an ideas that will work with me and Bayley. I'm not sure what to do about the nursery just yet. That room really needs to be what me and Bayley want to display in the room." Sasha tell her mom.

"Bayley do you agree with the nursery ideas that it should be something me and you want?" Sasha asked Bayley. Bayley finally looked at Sasha and agree with what she said. "Trish before you two get to carried away with the house. My mom would like to have dinner with you on Friday night. We were thinking at Sasha apartment if it's ok with you?" Bayley asked. Sasha didn't like the fact Bayley call the apartment hers not ours.

"I would love to meet your mom and have dinner with her. Are you two going to be at the dinner as well? Bayley are going to tell your mother about the new house as well and the triplets?" Trish asked. "My mom knows Sasha pregnant but doesn't know it's triplets. No, on the house for now. I don't want Rick to know and the less my mom knows the better." Bayley said. Trish understood where Bayley was coming from. Plus, Trish knew its was about Bayley protecting her family.

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