Enjoying the moment

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After taking a shower and pleasuring each other again. Sasha teleported her and Bayley to the new house. Sasha walked out back to look over the land. It was really the first time Sasha stepped out into the sun. Sasha never thought she would ever see the sun again. Even though she prefer the night, she knew this was something to treasure. Sasha thought how great it's going to be to sit in the backyard and enjoy the view. Sasha finally realized that Bayley dad helped her applicate the gift Bayley gave her.

Sasha heard her mom talking to Bayley and soon heard her mom come outside to seat next to her. "Are you ok?" Trish asked Sasha. "Yes, I'm just enjoying the sun. I never thought I would be able to see it again or even being in it. I will be able to play with the triplets and Bayley in the yard." Sasha tells her mom. "I'm so happy for you. Here you go the gift you asked me to pickup for you. It's every pretty and I know she going to love it." Trish said. "Thank you mom for getting this for me. I sure hope so, I know it not a house but it comes from the heart." Sasha said.

"Sasha, Bayley will be happy with whatever you give her. This house is for all of you and be happy with that." Trish said. "I didn't mean it like that, I am happy with the house. I just want to give her more to show how much she means to me." Sasha said. "Sasha, that women would give you the world if she could. Ever time she looks at you, all you can see is love. When I see you look at her it's the same. That's all you two really need." Trish said bring Sasha into a hug. "Thanks mom, is dinner all planned out for tonight?" Sasha asked.

"Yes, it's all setup. I got are meals and had one made specially for Becky. How does Bayley feel about Charlotte and Becky coming to dinner? Are you two ready to tell them you are pregnant?" Trish asked. "Me or Bayley not to happy about them coming but we just want to keep peace. There something about Charlotte that doesn't seat right with me and cause my jealousy levels to go through the roof. Than Becky seems to say the wrong things that sets off Bayley. I just want to get this dinner over with and focus on the full moon. I know the full moon is on Bayley mind as well." Sasha tells Trish.

Sasha started to wonder what Bayley was up to in the house. "Mom what's Bayley doing in the house?" I think she is walking through the house and was looking at her computer." Trish said. Just than Bayley walks outside with a bottle of blood for Sasha. "Here you go babe, I brought you a bottle of blood for you." Bayley said handing over the bottle to Sasha. "What time is the furniture coming?" Bayley asked. "They should be here any minute. I know it was supposed to be here yesterday day but the guys got delayed so I told them to bring it today. I can't wait to see how it will look once it's all setup." Trish said.

A few minutes later they heard a couple of trucks pull up. Trish went to go see the guys and get ready for the furniture. "Are you ok? You've been sitting out here for awhile. Still not ready to move here yet?" Bayley asked. Sasha just turned her head and kissed Bayley. "Home is where you are and once we get the house in order we can comeback and stay here." Sasha said kissing Bayley again. "I ordered us a hot tub for the deck like you wanted. Should be here next week. Is that ok with you?" Bayley asked Sasha. "That is fine, you really are to go to me. I wanted to do something nice for you so this is for you." Sasha said. "WoW babe, you don't have to give me anything." Bayley said kissing Sasha on the cheek. Bayley open the box and found a moon shape necklace with a heart in the middle and 4 diamonds in the moon. "This is so pretty. I love it!" Bayley said Bayley took the necklace out of the box and put it on.

Sasha was happy that Bayley loved the necklace and put it on. Sasha cuddled next to Bayley and wrapped her arms around Bayley. "My mom said she got the dinner for tonight all setup. I just need to take her to SSI to pickup the food. So, I'll take you to the apartment first and than take my mom to get the food." Sasha told Bayley. "That sounds like a plan. I just want to get this over with." Bayley said. " I feel the same way about this dinner. I just want the dinner to go smoothly." Sasha said.

Bayley understood what Sasha was saying and knew Charlotte and Becky wasn't part of the plan. "I know you feel uneasy around Charlotte lately but I don't want you to worry about her. I know I shouldn't worry about Becky either but she really does know how to push the wrong buttons."Bayley told Sasha. "You have nothing to worry about Becky. Funny part is I really never talked to Becky until I was assigned the meeting and you. I'm not really sure what her problem is but she not are problem it's Charlotte that has to deal with her." Sasha said.

Both Sasha and Bayley heard Trish talking to the secretary team that was helping deliver the furniture. The guys didn't take long to bring the furniture into the house. Bayley and Sasha came in so that they could arrange the furniture how they wanted. After a few hours, they got all the furniture the way they wanted it. "Well you two, what do you think of the new furniture? I think the house looks great and inviting." Trish said. "Trish thank you for all your help with this. The house looks great and can't wait to move in." Bayley said. "I agree with Bayley the house looks great. I'm excited about moving in here too." Sasha said while hugging her mom.

Don't want to live without youOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora