A new concern

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After Bayley finished Linda and Sasha wasn't sure what to say. Sasha knew that Aleister Black could really become a problem for Bayley if he finds out how close she is to finding a cure. "Sasha, I give my permission for Bayley to take the job at SSI but I want you promise me you will watch over her and you both return her for the day. I will put new blinds on the window to block out the light." Linda said. Sasha was taken back by what Linda just said. "Are you saying you are ok with us being together? Bayley asked before Sasha got the chance.

  Linda smiled at her daughter and said,"The way she looks at you and calm the beast that fights to get out, I can see the love she has for you in her eyes. There really something special about this relationship. One day I would be happy to call you my daughter as well." Sasha went up and hugged Linda and said thank you. "Mom thank you and I'm sorry I shouldn't doubt you." Bayley said. "My love for you will never change and I'm just happy we cleared up are issues. Linda pulled both Bayley and Sasha into a hug.

When they pulled a part, Sasha knew she had to go to talk to Roman. "Bayley promises me you will stay here? I have to go see Roman and I'll be back if it's ok with your mom." Sasha said. Linda said, I'm fine with it, thanks for asking." "Will you stay here please?" Sasha asked Bayley again. "Yes I will stay here." Bayley replied. Sasha kissed Bayley on the check and gave her one more hug before walking out to Becky. Sasha saw Becky talking to Charlotte and Charlotte handing something to her, Sasha turned to shack Rick hand again and walked out door.

Scot wanted to know what Linda wanted to talk to Sasha about once they got back into the car to go back to safe house. "Sir, it's not any of your business but mine what she wanted to talk to me about. I suggest you mine your own business!" Sasha said. "Well you wait until I see Roman and tell him." Scot said. "Well news flash, he's already aware of the extra meeting you had with The President and that I achieved what he wanted." Sasha told him.

Once the car arrived and parked both Becky and Sasha thank the driver. They both teleported back to SSI and walked through the door. Roman was standing there waiting for them. "Hello ladies, it seems you had a good meeting congratulations." Roman said. Just than Scot comes storming through the door and starts yelling. "What the hell you two, you couldn't wait? Well the meeting could have been better. This one here making demands to get the President daughter to work her and than having a meeting with the First Lady." Scot tell Roman.

  Roman just smiled and replied "what I've heard from Becky, Sasha did a great job and got the President to agree to remove the video and to report it's a fake. The meeting with the First Lady, did what I needed it to do. So, I'm very proud of Sasha." "Becky can you make sure everything is setup for Ms Martinez arrivals here tomorrow night." Roman asked. "Of course I will and Mr Morgan I suggest you don't mention to anyone you know Ms Martinez is going to be here." Becky said.

  Roman just smiled and turned to Sasha "let's move this to my office please?" Sasha said good bye to Becky and follow Roman to his office. While heading to Roman office Sasha text Bayley "love just wanted to check on you! I know it wasn't easy but I'm proud of you!" Love Sasha. Few second later Bayley replied "Thank you for your support and Love you too!" Love Bayley "I'll see you soon! Try to get some rest." Love Sasha.

"Sasha please take a seat. Becky text me what you told her about Black. It really seem the President pissed him off. I do agree that Bayley needs to be kept a secret working here just for safety reasons if we are going to find a cure. Now how concerned should we be about the President going back on his word?" Roman asked. "Actually the First Lady gave the ok for Bayley to work here. The President is Bayley step father and the First Lady took charge of this matter." Sasha said.

  "The First Lady asked that we keep Bayley safe as possible and that Bayley returns back to the White House each morning. I would like to be the one that transporting Bayley back an forth each night? I told The First Lady I would keep an eye on here." Sasha tells Roman "Well thank you, for taken up that task. I'm sure Bayley would be more comfortable with that! Please don't take any unnecessary risk. We know what we are against and have a plan to keep her safe." Roman said smiling at Sasha.

  With that Sasha headed out of Roman office and ran right into her mother. "Hello dear how did your meeting go? How is my future daughter law doing? Will she be working here soon?" Trish as Sasha. "WOW full of questions aren't you. The meeting went great and Bayley will be starting here tomorrow night." Sasha tells her mother. "You didn't answer my last question about Bayley." Trish repeated herself. "To be honest with you, it was a rough night for her. She was told the truth about her really father and told her mother something about her stepfather. I hated leaving her to come back here. Bayley looked like she wanted to run." Sasha told her mom. Trish hugged Sasha and whispered "Than you need to be were your heart wants to be right now. I do have an idea to help Bayley!"

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