1 day left

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Sasha sat at her desk thinking about the past 24 hours. Bayley had given her a great birthday full of love in so many ways. The snowball fight they had after they finally left the cabin. Sasha couldn't remember having so much fun playing in the snow. Bayley cooking them dinner and than they watched a movie before heading back to bedroom. Sasha was brought back to reality when she heard a knock on the lab door.

Sasha got up to see who was at the door when Bayley opened the door. "Hello you two how are you feeling this evening? I came down here to remind you that Sasha needs to have another sonogram done. When you are ready to go down to Roman lab he will be in there waiting." Trish reminds Sasha and Bayley. "Thank you mom, we were going to head down once Bayley finishes the test she was running right now. Mom come into the office and we can wait in there. It shouldn't be much longer." Sasha tells her mom. Bayley watched as Sasha and Trish walked into the office.

Bayley kept watching the computer screen to see what was fighting against the night shade. She already has found 3 elements that has effected the drug but couldn't find out what the other elements were. Bayley knew her heart wasn't into this right now, with one day left before the full moon. Bayley worried Sasha wouldn't be able to survive the transformation and the babies. Bayley really couldn't see going on without Sasha. Bayley thought back to what her mom told her, "Dear I know you are worried but everything would be ok as along as you stay next Sasha during the transformation. Don't transform until Sasha does. The babies will be ok too! I know she means the world to you. Sasha is strong and will make it through this." Linda told Bayley.

"How are you feeling dear?" Trish asked Sasha. Sasha smiled at her mom before answering "I'm doing ok. I won't lie that I'm worried just like Bayley is but I know I can do this with her by my side." Sasha tells her mom. "Have you been feeding off Bayley still?" Trish asked. "Yes, the thing is that I crave it more and more. We are thinking it has something to do with the full moon. I only worry that I will take it to far and drain Bayley. The babies start moving around when they know I taken enough. Like they are watching out for both of us." Sasha said.

Trish just smiled at Sasha "You are strong and I know you will make it through this." Sasha handed her mom a key. "What is these key for Sasha?" "A safe deposit box at the bank. I have left something in there in case I pass. I have something for you and Bayley." Sasha tells her mom. "I think you are over reacting my dear. But I will hold on to it and give back to you after you change back." Trish said. "Thank you mom, I know I'm probably overwhelmed just like Bayley is out there. But you know me I want to make sure everything is covered." Sasha tells her mom.

"You and Bayley should be at home not here working on your projects. Roman is ok with Bayley taken time off to deal with the full moon. You can see in Bayley eyes she worried about you and the babies. You and her should go home after Roman runs the sonogram." Trish tells Sasha with concern. "I know mom, I'm worried more about Bayley than anything else. I should go see if she ready to go down to Roman lab." Sasha said.

Both Trish and Sasha walked out of the office and noticed Bayley looking through the telescope. "Babe are you ready to go to Roman lab?" Bayley look up and asked "Sasha could I have a sample of your blood please?" Bayley asked. "Why do you need a sample of my blood for?" Sasha asked. "I think the one that made the drug use the blood of a shifter." Bayley said. Sasha let Bayley take drop of blood and watch her put it under the telescope. "Do you see anything?" Sasha asked. "Yes, look at how my blood effected your blood. Now we add a drop of the drug to it. Trish looked in the telescope and noticed that the blood was fighting off the drug. "Bayley your blood is fighting off the drug effect. Who blood is this in the other telescope?" Trish asked Bayley.

"That's my mom blood and that's why I wanted to see what happen with Sasha blood." Bayley told Trish. "What does this have to do with you with the drug and finding a cure?" Sasha asked "Your mom and Sasha blood both slowed down the drug effects." Trish said. "Correct but look what happens when the drug is added to a vampire blood. The drug is taken over the blood at a steady pace. Than you add these 3 vitamin combination and the drug slows down." Bayley pointed out.

"This is great news, this will save the ones effected or save us some time to find the missing elements." Trish said. "Exactly, we need to look at all the shifter and she how the blood is effected. But that could wait for a few days." Bayley said. Sasha just smiled at Bayley accomplishment and was so turned on. "Mom can you go and tell Roman we will be down there in half an hour. Bayley needs to clean up the lab so we can leave right after." Sasha asked Trish. "Sure dear we will be ready in 30 minutes than." Trish said walking out the door.

Bayley washed all the slides and wiped down the the counter. Bayley finished her notes and walked into the office to place her note book in her bag. "Babe, are you ready to go down stairs to get your sonogram done?" Bayley asked Sasha. "No not yet, I need to be with you before we go down stairs." Sasha tells Bayley as she pulls off Bayley lab coat. "How much I want you can we take this home? I will pleasure you all night. I don't want to rush this. I love you to much to rush this." Bayley tells Sasha. Sasha knew Bayley was right but she felt like Bayley was rejecting her. "Sasha, look at me. You know I love you and I want you. I'm not rejecting you at all and I will show how much you mean to me when we get home." Bayley tells Sasha

"Ok what will we do when we get home? If you can convince me to wait, if you can't, I'm going to rip your clothes off and pleasure right here and Roman can wait." Sasha said. "Well I would carry you up stairs and draw a bath where I will wash you. Than I would dry you off and carry you to bed. There I will make you cum a few times and than I want to cuddle up with you." Bayley tells Sasha. "Ok you win my love. I can wait until we go home. So let's go get the sonogram done so we can go home." Sasha tells Bayley.

Bayley leaned down and kissed Sasha on the lips. "I want to enjoy every moment we have together until tomorrow night. I can't wait to see what color your fur will be and have you run with me." Bayley said.
"I wonder what color my fur will be. I only wish I could shift like you do." Sasha said. "I'm wondering if you could shift at will? You been going through the sign of being able to." Bayley said.

(Side note Thank you for  read this book. I'm stopping here and picking up with another book for this story. The book is call Don't want to go on with out you.  Thanks again)

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