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Once back in the office, Bayley picked up the scroll with the information about transformation. The scroll contains a few different pieces of paper. Sasha watch as Bayley was looking through the information. Sasha wanted to finish what they started in the gazebo. Sasha could only think about Bayley hands running up her skirt and than running her hands over her ass. Just thinking about it was turning Sasha on and she didn't think she could control herself.

Sasha got up and stood behind Bayley and leaned over the chair. Sasha ran her hands over Bayley chest and kissed her neck. I want to finish what we started in the gazebo please." Sasha asked Bayley. "You are making it hard to read through these scrolls my love." Bayley told Sasha. "I could text my mom to give us an hour before she comes back up here." Sasha says while kissing Bayley neck. "That sounds like a good idea. Why don't you come over here and I can make all your worries go away."Bayley tells Sasha. "I love it when you make my worries go away. You have the magic touch." Sasha tells Bayley while kissing Bayley passionately.

Before they could go any further a knock on the lab door happen. Sasha didn't want to stop but wasn't sure who it was. Bayley got up and leaned in to kiss Sasha and whispered "someone is really turned on." Bayley said. Sasha knew she was wet and wanted Bayley really bad. "Hello Trish, come in I think I found the scroll that will help with Sasha transformation." Bayley tells Trish. "Here is a couple of bottle of blood for Sasha and I brought us food. I hope you like pasta with chicken?" Trish asked Bayley. "Thank you, I do like pasta and chicken. Did you bring a plate for Sasha as well?" Bayley asked.

"Yes I did, wasn't sure if she is having regular food and blood." Trish said. "Hello mom how are you doing? What did you bring?" Sasha asked. "Chicken and pasta and bottles of blood for you to drink. I order you a refrigerator and the guys are going to bring it up here in a little while with a couple cases of blood." Trish said. "Thank you mom, I meant to ask for one to be brought up here." Sasha told Trish.

Sasha looked over at Bayley and noticed she was lost in what she was reading. "Babe what are you reading that is so good?" Sasha asked. "It's another letter from my dad saying what my mom went through and others. Here you can read it out loud." Bayley said handing the letter over to Sasha.

"Once I bite Linda, I sent out a few of my men to find out what happens during transformation. I found out that a few tribes had bitten normal humans out of desire. Many did not survey the transformation. What my men found out is that the pain over takes the men or women mind and they end up killing themselves. The other tribes said, "the ones that bite into the other never stayed to help them get through transformation. For the ones that survived transformation had to learn a new life style and some couldn't handle what they become. For my wife I expect her to make it through the transformation. I will be with her all the way. I noticed the closer the full moon got Linda desires grew. The need for blood disappear and the need for food set in. Linda started getting cold when it was hot outside. The night of the full moon was going to be tough for Linda. I took Linda to a cave away from the tribe just in case something went wrong. As the moon raised Linda started to shake out of control and her breathing started get shallowed as the full moon appeared. When the moon was at it fullest the transformation began. I stayed close to Linda as her body started to shift. I encourage Linda on until the transformation was complete. It took Linda about 20 minutes once the moon was full. I always wonder if I let Linda feed off me more, if it would have made it easier for her. I have provided the possible effects that one might go through when transformation start." Eddie wrote.

Sasha looked at Bayley and than her mom. "So, feeding off you might make it easier for me when I start the transformation?" Sasha asked. "There has to be different way that you could have Bayley blood without taken from her. You can't afford to have Bayley out of it each time you feed." Trish reminds Sasha. Bayley kept looking at the bottle of blood sitting in front of Sasha. "I'm not saying ever day I should feed off her. I don't want anything to go wrong when I'm feeding off her." Sasha tells her mom.

"What if Roman can workout the mixture just right with my blood or possibly give you some of my DNA." Bayley said. "How would you give up your DNA?" Trish asked. "Maybe in my tiger form he could make it happen. The only thing we can do is ask." Bayley said. Sasha could see Bayley was thinking of different ways to help her. "Bayley, I don't want to risk your life or take anything from you. We need to keep looking through the scrolls." Sasha said. "But what if I could make this easy for you? Wouldn't you want me to find it for you. I don't want you to suffer!" Bayley tells Sasha.

"Bayley lets look at all are options first before we take any DNA from you. I know Roman could do it but let's not risk your life or anything like that." Trish tells Bayley. Sasha knew Bayley would risk everything to make sure she was ok but Sasha didn't want Bayley to take that risk. Sasha was thankful to her mom for saying what she said. "Bayley, let's look at the other things that came with this scroll." Sasha said.

Trish wrapped her arms around Bayley "thank you for caring so much about Sasha safety. But we are here to make sure you are ok as well." Bayley knew Trish and Sasha were right. "Thank you that means a lot to me." Bayley said. Sasha went over and hugged both her mom and Bayley. "With the three of us we can work anything out as along as we are on the same page. I love both of you with all my heart." Sasha told them.

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